03 October 2016

S. 2040

S. 2040 introduced by the 114th Senate Majority Whip from the State of Texas, must be considered in relation to Sosa v. Álvarez-Machaín, 542 U.S. 692 (2004).

In spite of the accolades on behalf of "victims", the American system has degraded into the legal realism of the 1920s, influenced by the Uppsala School and its pro-nazi Social Democrats.

I would reiterate the statement of Vice President Taha Ramadan to the Iraqi (and Arab) youth: "fight to liberate your country".

In the period between 1945-1953 in the U.S.S.R. there had been an insufficient allocation of funding towards the study of foreign states' legal systems which resulted in certain foreign policy decisions inconsistent with Marxist Law; these matters have now been clarified, namely my invalidation of the 'nuclear deterrent' theory, and the communication below with Fatah and Hamas.

From an interview with Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

لمطار الشاهد الاول على بطولة الجيش وإستبساله حتى
اضطر العدو ان يستخدم الاسلحة المحرمة دولياً

Legal analyses of UNSC S/2018/146 and S/RES/2401 (2018) reveals owing to the IHL citation that nothing redeemable may ensue justifying French and United States military presence in or actions against the Syrian Arab Republic.

The State of Kuwait (voting in favour on 2401) owing to the IHRL citation is obliged to abandon the content of S/RES/2254 (2015) in international relations.

Even after the unlawful revision of the Syrian constitution the document retains references to a planned economy.

As the content of NSPD-36 and S/RES/2254 (2015) are similar the State of Kuwait is likewise obliged to withdraw recognition of the "political process" in occupied Iraq.

Citing NSPD-24, the American President abrogated his obligations under under Article 55 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and Ambassador John Negroponte voting in favour of S/RES/1472 (2003) falsely represented the administration's intent to comply with Article 55.

القرار ١٤٧٢ (٢٠٠٣)

إذ يشير إلى أنه بموجب أحكام المـادة ٥٥ مـن اتفاقيـة جنيـف الرابعـة (اتفاقيـة جنيـف
المتعلقة بحماية المدنيين وقت الحرب، المؤرخـة ١٢ آب/أغسـطس ١٩٤٩)، يجـب علـى الدولـة
القائمـة بـالاحتلال، أن تقـوم، إلى أقصـى حـد تسـمح بـه المـوارد المتاحـة لهـا، بكفالـــة الأغذيــة
واللـوازم الطبيـة للسـكان، وعليـها، بوجـه خـاص، جلـب المــواد الغذائيــة والمخزونــات الطبيــة
والمواد الأخرى اللازمة إذا كانت موارد الإقليم المحتل غير كافية،

S/RES/2259 (2015) owing to an IHRL citation is flawed and the Socialist Jamahiriya must be recognised as the legitimate government of the Libyan state.

S/RES/1386 (2001) proffered inalienable rights.

In conclusion, the military interventions of the 21st century have been a means to install liberalism in Afghan areas under Taliban control, and in Socialist states.

Fatah and Hamas were informed in February [2018] of legal analyses identifying the Covenant of the League of Nations as a vestitive document invalidating dispositive rights after 10 Jan. 1920.

Effectively the Khomeinists in Tehran respresent a non-State actor, and, inferred of Mustafa Kamel's book, see the Introduction here, were responsible for the gas attack on Halabja. This poses problems for the regime of the Geneva Protocol of 1925, where one or more signatories to the protocol, namely Great Britain and the United States, can not expect their non-State actor to abide by Persia's signature on 5 November 1929.

Contrary to Kamel's Introduction, items 2 & 3, the Anglo-American alliance finds itself in the position of being prosecutable for the war crime at Halabja.

The United States whose court denied the Iraqi vice president Taha Ramadan habeas relief - citing an international tribunal - may find itself as a Party - along with the United Kingdom - as a component of an 'international coalition' - to a case in the International Criminal Court, concerning Halabja, though unlike the latter where the State Party's ratification or accession to the Rome Statute had entered into force on 1 July 2002, the former being a signatory but has neither ratified nor acceded to the Rome Statute.

The U.S.S.R. as a subject of international law and a geopolitical reality.

The Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR lacked shelter on December 17, 1991, under paragraph 15 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the RSFSR to vote on the resolutions to ratify the Belovezha Accords and to denounce the Treaty on the Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, approved by the All-Union Congress of Soviets on December 30, 1922, in Moscow.

It is a violation of international law to supply war matériel to a constituent Soviet republic.

Updates (2016-2023)

04 September 2016

Iraqi Hospitals

Reports were released on 3 Sept. 2016 of sub-standard sanitary practices at hospitals in occupied Iraq, as concerns infections acquired in medical facilities, the handling of syringes, needles, etc.

Eighty-five percent of the hospitals in Iraqi governorates have been damaged or destroyed as the result of the illegal war.

President George W. Bush already on 20 January 2003 sought to abrogate the responsibility of compliance with GCIV, pertaining to medical duties of an Occupying Power.

See: Pub. L. 105-235 (link to NSPD 24)

15 August 2016


It was reported 14 Aug. 2016 that the Popular Mobilisation Forces have been looting property including irrigation equipment from farms in Jurf Al-Sahkar, Babil Governorate, Iraq, and registering properties under different names.

The governorate is known for its fertile agricultural fields and orchards, these being irrigated from the water of the Hillah river.

According to a United Nations report illiteracy in the governorate of those over 10 years of age was 19.6% in 2010. Prior to the occupation in 2003 it was 0% nationwide.

معدلات الأمية في العراق

 الأنبار   التأميم   بابل   بغداد   البصرة   ذي قار   ديالى   دهوك 
 %13.9   %11.9   %19.6   %10   %14.6   %22.8   %6.8   %30.5 
 اربيل   كربلاء   ميسان   لمثنى   النجف   نينوى   السليمانية   واسط 
 %25.8   %17.2   %21.5   %26.8   %20.9   %20.9   %27.8   %25.9 
%24.9 - القادسية

An Iraqi ambassador wrote me in 1999 enquiring about an increase from 1989 to 1997 of an under-five child mortality rate from 30.2/1,000 live births to 97.2/1,000, attributed to the depleted uranium used in the Gulf War, it is observed that in 2010 the average for the Iraq governorates was 41.0/1,000 live births; the individual rates per governorate are listed in the table to the right.

(معدل وفيات الأطفال دون 5 سنوات (لكل 1000 مولود حي

 الأنبار   التأميم   بابل   بغداد   البصرة   ذي قار   ديالى   دهوك 
 30.0   21.0   30.0   35.0   34.0   35.0   39.0   45.0 
 اربيل   كربلاء   ميسان   لمثنى   النجف   نينوى   السليمانية   واسط 
 46.0   53.0   35.0   43.0   42.0   43.0   31.0   45.0 
38.0 - القادسية
Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit
Iraqi Governorate Profiles - November 2010

The tables miss an entry for Saladin governorate.

10 August 2016

Jurf Al-Sahkar

It was reported today that the Kata'ib Hezbollah faction has been operating a secret detention centre in the area of Jurf Al-Sahkar, in Babil Governorate, Iraq.

Other such detention centres are being operated by the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata'ib Al-Tayar Al-Resaly, and Badr Brigades factions; Kata'ib Al-Tayar Al-Resaly having participated in the aggressions against Amirli, Jurf Al-Sahkar, Karmah, and Samarra.

19 July 2016

Pub. L. 105-338

Public Law 105-338 authorised for the drawdown of articles from the stocks of the U.S. Department of Defense, as subsequently allocated under the signature of President William Jefferson Clinton (16 January 1999), to the KDP and PUK, among other entities, this was wholy illegal.

The current Administration in Washington D.C. in concluding an MoU with a non-State Party as Masoud Barzani (KDP's leader) is likewise contrary to United States law, one cannot supply war matériel (or other U.S. goods) to non-State Parties, this being Private Law bills' subject matter, and, such bills are only valid within the U.S. dominion.

It is pointed out that U.S. civilian and armed forces presence in Iraq, and incursions into Iraqi airspace, and, evidently, U.S. approach to the Security Council in 2003, are without legal support.

Under what authority does the sovereign of a signatory State of GCIV have the right to abrogate his obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention?

See: Pub. L. 105-235

See: Reciprocal Warfare (footnote 1)

NB: I do not necessarily concur with the Security Council's 1993 adoption of the report of Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and the Commission of Experts which had been established under UNSC RES 780, one cannot on the backdrop of the unprecedented in scope diplomatically terms of UNSC RES 687, redefine the component parts of customary international law; this muddle attributed to the lack of comprehension among the Security Council of historical materialism.

17 July 2016

S/RES/1483 (2003)

Economic modifications in the Republic of Iraq, as the United States was cognisant, in possession of a priori knowledge, of intent to modify the economic system, as in National Security Presidential Directive 24, of 20 January 2003, at the time of U.S. voting on UNSC RES 1483, on 22 May 2003, constitutes empirical evidence that the Security Council has exceeded its authority under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, in the adoption of the said Resolution; the Security Council must be convened and Decide to rescind RES 1483.

NSPD-24 was declassified on 25 Aug. 2011.

The Secretary-General was without legal mandate to pursue the collection of information pursuant to paragraph 24 of Resolution 1483.

cf: S/2003/715

The statements of Ján Kubiš (UNAMI) may in no way confer legitimacy upon the occupation of Iraq.

It is incumbent upon the Syrian Arab Republic to modify its votes on Resolutions 1472, 1476, and 1490, to abstention.

13 July 2016

A/50/153 - S/1995/263

The information of the use of enhanced neutron flux ordnance (neutron bombs) during the April 2003 Airport battle, British cognisance thereof, needs to be attended to.

A/50/153 - S/1995/263 is the document code for the pledge of the Hon. Warren Minor Christopher, Secretary of State, conveyed to the Security Council, by Chargé d'affaires a.i. Edward W. Gnehm, on the date of 6 April 1995.

The text of UN Security Council Resolution 984 recognises the individual self-defense of victim states of nuclear attacks. Therefore, the Republic of Iraq, which had on 29 November 1969 deposited their ratification of "The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons", and which since 31 October 1992 when NPT safeguards agreements, pertaining to Iraq, have entered into force, and being a victim state of aggressions in 2003 wherein nuclear weapons were used by the United States, and/or their allies, according to the text of Resolution 984, the Government and Armed Forces of the Republic of Iraq extant at the date of such nuclear threats and/or nuclear arms usages, are recognized (internationally) as the legitimate representation(s) of the Iraqi State.

This subject matter was acknowledged as being on the desk of Ambassador Sir Nigel Elton Sheinwald on 17 July 2008.

Sir John Chilcot during the conduct of his inquiry certainly would have had access to documents from the British Embassy in Washington D.C.

See: Iraqi Victims of the Airport Battle

It is pointed out that none of the cited incidents resulting in damage to military vehicles on this Internet log are attributable to the Islamic State [IS], and are the sole responsibility of the Iraqi resistance, being led by the loyal officers of the national army of Iraq, which was in 2003 disbanded by the [as defined in UNSC RES 984] coalition, but which has retained its command structure.

12 July 2016

S/RES/687 (1991)

On the date of 2 July 2009 the United States of America added the name of the Kata'ib Hezbollah faction to the State Department list of Foreign Terrorist Organisations, nine days later, on 11 July 2009, Kata'ib Hezbollah registered a U.S. hosted website.

The United States has alleged prior to the cited July dates, that this faction has engaged in attacks on their servicemen.

The Security Council is deemed to maintain plenary authority, therefore it cannot divest itself of its decision on Resolution 687, that on this 7th day of the month of shawwal of the Arabic calendar year 1437 the Resolution's defined Coalition is evidenced as in "material breach" of the said Resolution's article 32.

32. Requires Iraq to inform the Security Council that it will not commit or support any act of international terrorism or allow any organization directed towards commission of such acts to operate within its territory and to condemn unequivocally and renounce all acts, methods and practices of terrorism;

The Security Council must be convened and adopt a resolution that there should be an immediate cessation of hostilities perpetrated by Coalition states, and recognising the legitimate representation of the Iraqi state as that government extant at the onset of aggressions in March of 2003.

See: Kata'ib Hezbollah

14 May 2016

Sinjar District

سنجار: اغتصاب فتيات ايزديات على يد قوات البيشمركة

بعد اتهام الدولة الإسلامية باغتصاب الفتيات الإزيديات؛
فتاة إيزدية تكشف واقعة مروعة بحق فتيات إيزديات
اغتصبن على يد عصابات البشمركة

5 سبتمبر 2014

Sinjar, yazidier piger blev voldtaget af de peshmergaer-styrker.

Efter beskyldninger om Islamisk stat [IS] for at have voldtaget yazidier piger, en yazidi pige afslører en chokerende hændelse, yazidier piger blev voldtaget af bander af peshmergaer!

5 september 2014

Sinjar, Yazidi girls raped by the Peshmerga forces.

After the accusations of the Islamic state [IS] raping Yazidi girls, a Yazidi girl reveals a shocking incident of Yazidi girls that were raped by gangs of Peshmerga!

5 September 2014

11 May 2016

The Marxist State

I have enquired of the DPRK diplomatic representation whether the WPK would accede to a point of bourgeois law pertaining to international relations.

See: Bashar al-Assad (letter of March of 2016)

But it should not go without notice that of the milieu pursuant to the PRA motion (UN RES 2758) and subsequent anti-revisionist position of that State (1976–78 period), that an examination of the allegation of PRC withdrawl of support for the PAVN correlated with United States positioning on 2758, the formulation of the discredited 'Three Worlds Theory' itself and associated trend towards Social Democracy, and examination of allegations of PRC support to counter-revolutionaries in the DRA, inferring PRC Social Opportunism, that the absence of such examinations, influence my position as follows.

See: Sino-Soviet dispute

My sympathies are that in the interim the area proximal to the coördinates 10°N 114°E be designated a marine reserve. One cannot adequately resolve the matter until the end of the war.

See: Reciprocal Warfare

In July of 2007 a number of PRC retired Foreign Office officials and Army officers publicly criticised the trend towards Social Democracy.

A cautionary note to parents in the Arab states: discourage your children from utilisation of Social Media, it is a promotion based on the Marburg School.

Arjun Appadurai's social imaginary (idealist philosophy)
with associated mediascapes, technoscapes, etc.

A brief analysis of the party platforms of these entities

(حزب العدل والتنمية (تونس
(حزب العدالة والبناء (ليبيا
(حزب العدالة والتنمية (مصر
حزب العدالة والتنمية السوري

indicates they also include components as Marburg School based promotions.

There was a rampant promotion of this polity among the youth,
in the foreign, USAID among others, sponsored endeavours to
oust the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) government.

Caveat: I understand why the PRC disbanded the website 'maoflag.net'
as the maintainers of that site were lacking in theory.



في مستشفى الفلوجة التعليمي

A report from the Fallujah Teaching Hospital (Jan. 2014 - present).

3488 fatalities
  334 women
  533 children

5811 wounded
  881 women
  972 children

مستشفى هاي نزال في الفلوجة

The Hai Nazal Hospital in Fallujah was destroyed by Unitied States
warplanes on 6 November 2004.

لميليشيا بدر والحشد الطائفي

For the second day hastily departing from Abu Grahib have been
observed dozens of military vehicles carrying carrying Badr militia
and Popular Mobilisation members in the direction of Fallujah.

09 May 2016

Mazhar al-Qaisi

By Autumn of 2014 the GMCIR announced the liberation of Anbar
Governorate. This 25 minute (Arabic language) video is from June
that year.

As I mentioned here the coalition is not fighting the Salafists.

لقاء اليوم: مزهر القيسي

لقاء اليوم
25:32 Jun 20, 2014

لقاء اليوم: مزهر القيسي المتحدث الرسمي للمجلس العسكري العام لثوار العراق
تقديم: جلال شهدا تاريخ البث: 20/6/2014

Today's meeting: Mazhar al-Qaisi
Today's meeting
Jun 20. 2014 25:32

Today's Meeting: Mazhar al-Qaisi, official spokesman of the
General Military Council of Iraqi Revolutionaries


The following text appeared in Chicago when loading the webpage.


06 May 2016


Information surfaced from an interview conducted in Syria a few years ago, that Nouri al-Maliki was part of the cell al-Jihad al-Islami which alleged responsibility for the 1983 U.S. Embassy and MNF barracks bombings in Beirut resulting in the deaths and injury of Lebanese civilians, U.S. and French servicemen.

Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993

The sequence of the issuance of these documents - contrary to popularly held misconceptions - indicate that the British, not the Americans, were the planners of the 2003 Iraq invasion.

It has been inferred of the 10 April 1992 Baltic Exchange incident investigation that semtex was used. The similar, or a variant of semtex, being inferred as used in the Lockerbie incident 4 years previous, according to RARDE's Alan Feraday and Dr. Thomas Hayes.

Thereby the documents, when placed side by side with Prime Minister Tony Blair's citations endeavouring to justify a war, expose a glaring discrepency between MI6 estimates and MP reasoning.

One cannot after a State terrorist incident legislate protection of shareholder profit margin, and conversely across the pond, authorise a war, and then protect the markets.

On the American side, Public Law 107–297 implies a protracted conflict, which was not in Administrative statements reflected in their "selling" of the conflict to the U.S. populace.

The theme of a protracted conflict - perhaps a ruse on the seizure of Iraqi State assets - is however evident already in U.S. Executive Orders 13290, 13303, and 13315, respectively, of 20 March, 22 May, and 28 August 2003.

Who does one think is being fought in Iraq, through the criminal aerial bombardments and disbursements from the Exchequer, one is fighting a Socialist State prosecuting a guerilla war.

One is not fighting the Salafists.

Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (Pubic Law 107–297)

Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Pubic Law 109-144, 110-160, 114-1)

Other OECD countries apparently have been following the Anglo-American design.

Terrorism Risk Insurance in OECD Countries
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1 January 2005.

Since 1993, the OECD has published a series on Policy Issues in Insurance. This series addresses major concerns of economic, political and social actors in the insurance sector, and covers a wide scope of regulatory and supervisory issues, such as: investment regulation, solvency assessment, management of insolvency, insurance contract law, mandatory insurance, reinsurance, taxation of insurance products, accountability, convergence in the financial services industry, policy holder protection, environmental risks, and emerging systemic risks.