Incumbent of the United Kingdom pursuant to the Anglo-Soviet-Iranian Treaty of 1942, is the obligation to not conclude agreements with Parties incompatible with the said Treaty. In 1953 and 1979 MI6 together with the CIA engineered coups in Tehran, breaching the Treaty with regards to the sovereignty and political independence of Iran.
The Tripartite Treaty was signed in Tehran on 29 January 1942, by Reader William Bullard, Andrey Andreyevich Smirnov, and Ali Soheili.
Cordon Hull endorsed the Treaty in December of 1941.
Англия же и США концентрацией войск на границе Южного Ирана и вмешательством в его внутренние дела создали реальную угрозу независимости Ирана и безопасности народов Ближнего Востока.
Iranian accession to the Baghdad Pact in 1955 violated the Russo-Persian Treaty of Friendship of 1921.