On 14 July 2016 - the day before the incidents in the Republic of Turkey - I directed a communiqué to President Bashar al-Assad regarding a peace proposal including the departure from Syria - subsequent to testing for tuberculosis - of pasdarans, Lebanese Hezbollah, and Afghani mercenaries.
Also addressed was the subject of the departure of an estimated three hundred U.S. personnel, and French special forces, and the entry into records of the transit of arms into the Syrian Arab Republic, and of foreign espionage activities within the country.
Subsequently the subject of the placement of landmines was added.
On the morning of 6 July 2016 I directed communiqués to the Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam factions requesting that they discontinue fighting, whereas extracts of my earlier communiqués to President Bashar al-Assad, of 2 May 2016, where I suggested that the pasdarans and Hezbollah depart Syrian territory, and of 3 May 2016, informing of U.S. armed forces training for operations in Syria already in 2005, were included.
The Ahrar al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam factions, likewise with various Marxist groups, were informed of MI6 culpability in engineering the coup d'état in Tehran in 1979.
The following was addressed in March of 2016.
c.c. Ambassador Se Pyong So
I had earlier communicated about the possibility to establish at the Aleppo University a chair for Nordic Law. I would ask a favour from you.
Would you sign a Syrian-DPRK agreement that should either State's officials authorise atomic ordnance usage against the other, then such officials' actions would be deemed prosecutable as treason in their home State?
This is not based on Marxist Law but a development of the views of Emmerich de Vattel on Natural Law School based States, which, without an analysis under Marxist Law - of States' authorisations of atomic ordnance usage - such bourgeois legal definition, can be accepted by Marxist Law based and Socialist States.
Eric Lindblad