Al Basrah

Translated content from the patriotic Iraqi website


Baghdad. 04/01/2021 The the General Command of the Armed Forces issued a statement on the 18th anniversary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Baghdad. 09/04/2021 The General Command of the Armed Forces issued a statement on the occasion of the centenary of the establishment of the Iraqi Army.


Baghdad. 25/09/2020 A recently published report attributed to Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri was forged.

Erbil Governorate. 16/05/2020 Cross border shelling against Haji Omran occurred around 11 this morning.

Baghdad. 29/05/2020 Over 2,100 hectares of wheat and barley fields have been destroyed by fires.

Nineveh Governorate. 20/02/2020 A shortage of transfusion bags and syringes in Mosul impairs the provision of medical services within the city.

Anbar Governorate. 14/01/2020 Large numbers of militia elements have been gathering Al-Qaim and its outskirts.


Baghdad. 01/11/2019 Protests against the puppet government have been ongoing since early October.


Baghdad. 18/06/2016 The owner of a medical supplies company departing his house in Saidiya was killed today by an armed gang.

Baghdad Governorate. 13/06/2016 Numerous wounded were received today at Abu Ghraib Hospital from the aggressions against Fallujah, they were receiving critical care, and the majority of which were then transferred to hospitals in Baghdad.

Baghdad. 11/06/2016 Hospitals in the Iraqi capital in the early afternoon yesterday admitted many cases with symptoms of poisoning.

Anbar Governorate. 05/06/2016 Resultant of the endeavours to encroach upon Fallujah ongoing now for 12 days are 2,300 fatalities and 4,000 in critical condition, a significant number of amputation procedures have been peformed owing to pronounced injuries.

Wasit Governorate. 02/06/2016 As many as 70 cases of scabies reported near the village of Zubaydiah.

Qadisiyah Governorate. 29/05/2016 More than 2,000 cases of leishmaniasis have been registered in the governorate.

Baghdad Governorate. 17/05/2016 The central blood bank in Baghdad which serves the city and surrounding regions reported an acute shortage of blood due to the number of wounded returning from the area outside Fallujah; with the media broadcasting requests for donations of blood to makeup the shortfall in the care of the wounded.

Baghdad Governorate. 16/05/2016 The ordinary patients at the Abu Ghraib Hospital have been removed to make room for the dead and wounded coming from the area to the south of Fallujah.

Sulaymaniyah. 15/10/2016 Teachers protested this morning against the delay in the payment of their salaries for months.

Basra Governorate. 28/09/2016 Al-Qurnah District has a high rate of illiteracy.

Dhi Qar Governorate. 25/09/2016 The appearance of Eichhornia crassipes was registered today./

Diyala Governorate. 22/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding early today in Albu Issa resulted in several casualties, and the destruction of a military vehicle.

Saladin Governorate. 21/09/2016 The PMF were involved today in the kidnapping of the Associate Director of the Samarra General Hospital.

Al-Ta'mim Governorate. 17/09/2016 The PMF were involved in a drive-by shooting today of a child in the Al-Nasser neighbourhood southeast of Kirkuk.

Anbar Governorate. 17/09/2016 An armed attack in the Albu Thiyab area today north of Ramadi resulted in the killing of seven, wounding of several others, and the destruction of military vehicles.

Erbil Governorate. 17/09/2016 Cross border shelling occurred this morning, against several border villages in the area of Sidikan, in Soran District.

Saladin Governorate. 16/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding this evening near Al-Tarmiyah resulted in the killing of two, wounding of four, and damage to a military vehicle./

Baghdad. 16/09/2016 Two of the PMF were killed this morning, and three wounded, when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in Hor Rajab.

Baghdad. 15/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding this evening in the Arab Jibor neighbourhood resulted in the killing of two, wounding of five, and damage to a military vehicle.

Al-Ta'mim Governorate. 15/09/2016 Prices of sugar and wheat flour were reported today at £13.20 per kg. and £66 per 50 kg., in Hawija District.

Diyala Governorate. 14/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding around noon today in a rural area of Al-Khalis District resulted in the wounding of four, and damage to a military vehicle.

Saladin Governorate. 12/09/2016 Armed attacks this evening in the Al-Sharqat District resulted in dozens killed or wounded, and the destruction of military equipment.

Anbar Governorate. 11/09/2016 An armed attack today in the Al-Hussainiyat region, northeast of Al-Rutbah, resulted in dozens killed or wounded, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles.

Maysan Governorate. 06/09/2016 An increase in drug abuse predominately methamphetamine hydrochloride.

Anbar Governorate. 05/09/2016 An armed attack today, near the Akashat junction, northwest of Ar-Rutbah, resulted in the killing of seven, the wounding of eleven, and the destruction of five military vehicles.

Anbar Governorate. 05/09/2016 An armed attack today in Khalidiya Island, northeast of Ramadi, resulted in the killing of ten, and the destruction of military vehicles.

Saladin Governorate. 03/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding this evening in the area of Dhuluiya resulted in the killing of one, wounding of four, and damage to a military vehicle.

Anbar Governorate. 03/09/2016 An armed attack today near Ar-Rutbah resulted in the killing of eleven, the wounding of twenty, and the destruction of military vehicles.

Saladin Governorate. 03/09/2016 An armed attack today near the village of Tulul al Baqq, southwest of Al-Sharqat, resulted in the killing of five, the wounding of others, and the destruction of military vehicles.

Baghdad Governorate. 03/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding this morning in Taij resulted in the killing of one, wounding of four, and damage to a military vehicle.

Qadisiyah Governorate. 02/09/2016 A shortage of anæsthetics for hospitals has caused the postponement of surgeries.

Wasit Governorate. 31/08/2016 Farmers owing to non-receipt of entitlements threatened to cut off the road to Baghdad.

Anbar Governorate. 30/08/2016 An armed attack today to the west of Hit resulted in the killing of fifteen, the wounding of others, and the destruction of a number of military vehicles.

Saladin Governorate. 27/08/2016 The detonation of an explosive device in the area of Al-Hamamiyat resulted in the killing of three members of the PMF, and the wounding of eight.

Saladin Governorate. 27/08/2016 Roadside bombs detonated today near the Ajil and Alas oilfields, east of Tikrit, resulted in the killing of six, and the destruction of two military vehicles.

Diyala Governorate. 24/08/2016 The PMF raided homes today and searched orchards in Miqdadiyah District, northeast of Baqubah.

Sulaymaniyah Governorate. 24/08/2016 The governorate has seen a fifty percent increase in heroin use this year.

Nineveh Governorate. 23/08/2016 An armed attack today in Qayyarah resulted in the killing of ten, and the destruction of military vehicles.

The U.S. armed forces occupying Iraq continued heavy shelling of Qayyarah today.

Al-Ta'mim Governorate. 22/08/2016 The presence of large numbers of pasdarans has been reported in a camp of the PMF outside of Al-Bashir, in Daquq District.

Saladin Governorate. 22/08/2016 The presence of hundreds of pasdarans has been noted the PMF camps of the in Tooz District.

Anbar Governorate. 21/08/2016 The PMF bulldozed homes and orchards in the Hamidhiyah area, and in Almlahmh and Albu Shihab, east of Ramadi.

Nineveh Governorate. 20/08/2016 The Al-Jawasaq area in southern Mosul was the target of airstikes today, killing an estimated nineteen civilians.

Nineveh Governorate. 19/08/2016 Aerial bombardments of Mosul targeted the Al-Jadidah neighbourhood near the Al-Nuri Mosque on the east side of the city, and financial areas and the Baath Party and officers on the west side.

Qadisiyah Governorate. 17/08/2016 Most of the rehabilitiation projects for municipal water supplies have been halted, owing to lack of receipt of water quotas and chlorine deliveries.

Anbar Governorate. 16/08/2016 A barracks located in the Al-Skar area, east of Ar Rutbah, was overrun today, resulting in 40 individuals being killed or wounded, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles..

Baghdad Governorate. 15/09/2016 A roadside bomb exploding in Taij, north of Baghdad, resulted in the killing of one, wounding of four, and damage to a military vehicle..

Anbar Governorate. 13/08/2016 Ramadi's municipal water supplies are contaminated with sewage.

Baghdad. 13/09/2016 A medical assistant was murdered today when a bomb planted inside his car exploded while driving in the Baiyaa neighbourhood in the southwest of Baghdad

Saladin Governorate. 13/08/2016 A lack of funding exists for the care of displaced persons in the governorate.

Anbar Governorate. 13/08/2016 An armed attack in the area of Tarrah today, to the north of Ramadi, resulted in the killing of fourteen, wounding of nine, and the destruction of a number of military vehicles.

Nineveh Governorate. 13/08/2016 An armed attack by Saddam Airbase to the west of Qayyarah,resulted in the killing of five, wounding of eight, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles.

Anbar Governorate. 12/08/2016 An armed attack in the Al-Buaath area, north or Ramadi, resulted in the death of over thirty, the wounding of others, and the destruction of military equipment.

A car bomb exploding near the Akashat junction, resulted in the killing of eleven, and the wounding of sixteen, among the PMF.

Anbar Governorate. 11/08/2016 An armed attack this evening, near the Akashat junction, northwest of Ar-Rutbah, resulted in the killing of six, the wounding of nine, and the destruction of four military vehicles and an ammunition store.

Erbil Governorate. 11/08/2016 Cross border shelling occurred from 10:30 until noon today and then continuing sporadically, against several border villages in the area of Sidikan, in Soran District.

The shelling pursued under the guise that PDKI members were in the area and resulted in the igniting of fires in agricultural fields and orchards

Babil Governorate. 09/08/2016 Kata'ib Hezbollah operates a secret detention centre in the area of Jurf Al-Sahkar.

Anbar Governorate. 08/08/2016 An armed attack in Khalidiya Island resulted in the killing of eleven, the wounding of eight, and the destruction of three military vehicles.

Separately, an individual was killed by a sniper in Khalidiya Island.

Anbar Governorate. 07/08/2016 An armed attack in Khalidiya Island northeast of Ramadi, resulted in the killing of twenty, the wounding of dozens others, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles.

Baghdad. 07/08/2016 In the Karkh District over the last two years 45 physicians and health workers have been killed or wounded, 16 have been abducted, and there have been 25 cases of vandalism on health facilites, especially hospitals.

Babil Governorate. 07/08/2016 A vigil was held by physicians this morning in Hillah, protesting the lack of security experienced in their job sector; a week ago a doctor of the Mihrab Centre, a cardiology clinic, having been threatened with murder.

Basra Governorate. 07/08/2016 A demonstration occurred near the headquarters of the South Oil Company, to the west of the city of Basra, protesting the lack of job opportunities in the district.

Anbar Governorate. 06/08/2016 Armed attacks in the Albohaas and Albu Thiyab areas, north of Ramadi, resulted in the killing of fourteen, wounding of thirteen, and destruction of six military vehicles.

Anbar Governorate. 05/08/2016 Armed attacks occurred in the Albu Bali area, near Khalidiya Island, northeast of Ramadi, resulting in the killing of twenty-five, wounding of scores of others, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles.

One individual was killed, and three wounded, when trying to force entry into a booby-trapped house today, to the west of Ar-Rutbah.

Cases of scabies and other rashes noted in the displaced persons camps in the governorate.

Baghdad Governorate. 05/08/2016 One individual was killed, and five wounded, when a roadside bomb exploded near their military vehicle in Al-Tarmia district.

Karbala Governorate. 05/08/2016 Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas faction implicated in armed robberies of displaced persons, and break-ins of homes.

Najaf Governorate. 04/08/2016 Farmers threaten a general strike owing to non-receipt of entitlements,

Maysan Governorate. 03/08/2016 The paper mill in Al-Mabrouka is in a state of disrepair.

Diyala Governorate. 03/08/2016 Outbreak of mumps in Ali Murad in Khanaqin District.

Saladin Governorate. 31/07/2016 The number of displaced families from Al-Sharqat District to Tikrit has risen to 4,000.

Anbar Governorate. 30/07/2016 An armed attack near Khalidiya Island east of Ramadi, resulted in some casualties, the wounding of over thirty, and the destruction of numerous military vehicles.

Muthanna Governorate. 30/07/2016 Owing to negligence the main water pumping station for the areas to the north of the city centre of Samawah, has been shut down; this has been attributed to lack of coördination with other governorates on the supply of electricity and the low water level of the Euphrates.

Anbar Governorate. 28/07/2016 An armed attack on a barracks in the Jawaanh area near Al-Baghdadi resulted in the death of a number of PMF and the seizure of matériel.

Basra Governorate. 20/07/2016 Protests regarding wages and imports at the paper mill in Al-Qurnah.

Anbar Governorate. 19/07/2016 An ambush occurring in the Wadi Houran, south of Ar-Rutbah, resulted in the killing of seventeen, and the destruction of military vehicles.

Babil Governorate. 19/07/2016 A roadside bomb exploded in Hor Rajab resulting in the wounding of three and the damage to a military vehicle.

Baghdad Governorate. 19/07/2016 One of the PMF was killed this morning, and three wounded, when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in the Abu Ghraib district.

Anbar Governorate. 17/07/2016 One of the PMF was killed, and three wounded, while trying to force entry into a booby-trapped house, in the Al-Rashad area outside Karmah.

Baghdad Governorate. 17/07/2016 A fire broke out in a livestock feed warehouse in the vicinity of Al-Nahrawan.

Avian influenza affects the Al-Wahad area in the south of the governorate.

Diyala Governorate. 17/07/2016 The PMF set on fire orchards near Atawaijrah northeast of Baqubah.

Karbala Governorate. 17/07/2016 Protests in the city of Karbala condemning the U.S. occupation.

Wasit Governorate. 12/07/2016 Avian influenza affects farms in Al-Aziziyah and Al-Suwaira districts.

Saladin Governorate. 10/07/2016 Eighty-five percent of Baiji has been destroyed resultant of the war.

Nineveh Governorate. 10/07/2016 Over 2,000 families have been displaced from the areas between the cities of Qayyarah and Mosul.

Baghdad Governorate. 10/07/2016 A roadside bomb exploded this morning in Latifiya resulting in the death of one, wounding of four, and the damage to a military vehicle.

Anbar Governorate. 09/07/2016 An attack in the area of Abu Teban today, northwest of Ramadi, resulted in the death of fourteen, wounding of seventeen, and the destruction of four of military vehicles.

Saladin Governorate. 09/07/2016 Displacement of 2,100 families from Al-Sharqat District.

Anbar Governorate. 09/07/2016 Aerial bombardments of Al-Qa'im resulted in damages to Al-Qa'im general hospital and to three schools.

Anbar Governorate. 08/07/2016 Aerial bombardments of Al-Qa'im resulted in the death of six civilians, all from the same family, including four children.

Al-Ta'mim Governorate. 07/07/2016 Aerial bombardments of Hawija District resulted in the death of five, and wounding twelve others, all civilians.

Al-Ta'mim Governorate. 03/07/2016 Avian infectious bronchitis, a viral affliction, affects an estimated twenty percent of the poultry in the governorate.

Diyala Governorate. 03/07/2016 A PMF member was killed when a roadside bomb exploded near the vehicle he was driving on a rural road to the east of Baqubah.

Saladin Governorate. 03/07/2016 A tank targeted by a missile resulted in its destruction near the village of Tulul Al Baqq.

Baghdad Governorate. 03/07/2016 Six PMF members were killed this afternoon when a roadside bomb exploded while traveling near Zaidan.

Anbar Governorate. 02/07/2016 An ambush to the east of Ramadi resulted in the death of twenty, and the destruction of a number of military vehicles.

Saladin Governorate. 02/07/2016 A Badr faction member was killed in the Tooz District.

Baghdad. 30/06/2016 High suicide rate among Baghdad area youth this month.

Erbil Governorate. 26/06/2016 Cross border shelling of Choman and Soran districts.

Babil Governorate. 22/06/2016 New dermatology cases to the east of Hillah.

Basra Governorate. 22/06/2016 Residents of Basra set fire to the entrance of the headquarters of Ansar Allah.

Anbar Governorate. 20/06/2016 Armed conflicts occurred to the east of Ramadi.

Saladin Governorate. 20/06/2016 North of the Baiji oil refinery an attack on a barracks resulted in fifteen being killed or wounded.

Saladin Governorate. 19/06/2016 A barracks in the area of Al-Makhazen bridge to the west of Baiji, was targeted today with one hundred sixty-five 120mm mortar rounds and eighteen Katyusha rockets.

Anbar Governorate. 18/06/2016 Four PMF members were killed this morning in the area near Karmah after entering a booby-trapped house.

An ambush to the northwest of Ramadi today resulted in the death of twenty, wounding of dozens others, and the destruction and damage to numerous military vehicles.

Armed conflicts occurred today to the west of the city of Hit.

An excess of twenty-five military vehicles, including two armoured personnel carriers and a bulldozer, were destroyed to the south of Fallujah.

Saladin Governorate. 18/06/2016 Mortars used this morning in an attack on an area outside Baiji resulted in two fatalities and five wounded.

Three PMF members were killed in a rural area in the vicinity of Hakrac to the northeast of Baqubah.

A roadside bomb exploding in the Mukhisa area, in the vicinity of Abi Saida, northeast of Baqubah, resulted in three being wounded and damage to a military vehicle.

Nineveh Governorate. 06/05/2016 U.S. Marines are taking part in battles in Tesqopa.