Viscum Preparations

Physical Medicine
and Rehabilitation
Periodical for Practical Medicine
Organ of the Central Association of Doctors
for Natural Health Procedures

21st year
June 1980, Vol. 6

H. Haferkamp, Mainz, R.F. Weiß, Marstetten-Aitrach, K. Schimmel. Prien und K.H. Caspers, Bad Füssing. Organ of the Central Union of Natural Health Doctors e.V., Sitz Stuttgart.

Scientific advisers:
M.v. Ardenne (Dresden) – A Becker (Hannover) – H. Bialonski (Bad Godesberg) – J. Brand (Königstein) – F. Brantner (Villach) – N. Breidenbach (Sallem-Beuren) – P. Dosch (Grünwald b. München) – H. Fleischhacker (Wein) – K. Franke (Bad Lauterberg) – P. Frick (Mainz) – W. Galwick (Bad Tölz) – H. Giesenbauer (Bremen-Lesum) – H. Hamsen (Hamburg) – E. Höllischer (Baden-Baden) – H. Huneke (Düsseldorf) – W.H. Kahlert (Bad Salzuflen) J. Kaiser (Bad Wörishofen) – G. Kelner (Wein) – K. Kötschau (Schloßberg) – W. Kohlrausch (Freudenstadt) – H. Kolb (Wetzlar) – H. Krauß (Berlin) – R.v. Leitner (Berlin) - H. Mensen (Bad Rothenfelde) W. v. Nathusius (Hirzenhain) - H.D. Neumann (Bühl) – H. Paul (Bad Godesberg) – A. Pischinger (Wein) – A. Rost (Tübingen) – H. Seyfarth (Leipzig) – O. Schumacher-Wandersleb (Bad Münstereifel) – R. Voll (Plochingen) – H.L. Walb (Homberg, Kr. Alsfeld) – H. Winterberg (Mannheim) W. Zimmermann (München).

R. Voll - The subcutaneous use of the various viscum preparations with tested accompanying therapy of quinones and anti-degenerative working homeopathic medications.

The viscum preparations of the same potency have different effects. Therefore they are not suitable to every organ. By thousands of measurements of my colleagues and myself indications could be established for the treatment of certain organ systems (stomach, intestine, rectum, urogenital organs, respiratory tract, bile ducts and pancreas).

Mistletoe is an old folk remedy against cancer. Its use was systematically introduced to cancer therapy by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, and the medical scientist Kaelin. In incidents of cancer the action of the medicine is only achieved via injection, when mistletoe is administered orally it has the effect rather of reducing the blood pressure. Mistletoe preparations therefore play an important role administered orally in the treatment of arteriosclerosis and hypertonia.

In the following will be presented the 12 different mistletoe preparations and their accompanying therapy of quinones, together with anti-degenerative working homeopathic medications. This therapy was developed from over 20 years of experience by myself and my colleagues from a working group for early cancer diagnosis and early cancer therapy. The group of electro-acupuncture doctors has shown the effectiveness of this combination therapy especially in the treatment of the pre-cancerous stages and also of micro-carcinoma.

In cases of clinically diagnosed cancer then surgery is required, and the following can be established as a post-operative therapy.

Mistletoe from broadleaf trees and conifers

In the homeopathic drug catalogues it is written about the genus viscum album, among other information, that the plant grows on leaf (deciduous) trees as the subspecies viscum album, on fir as the subspecies viscum abietis, and on pine as viscum austriacum. The yellow-berried mistletoe [Loranthus europaeus - translator] is not used for the preparation of the homeopathic remedy viscum album.

In my practice I use the following potentised mistletoe preparations as subcutaneous injections, from the 12 mentioned trees:

Abies alba – silver fir
Acer campestre – field maple
Acer pseudoplantinus – sycamore (Am. sycamore maple - translator
Betula alba – birch
Fraxinus excelsior – ash
Malus communis – apple tree
Phytolacca decandra – red-ink plant
Pinus sylvestris – scots pine
Populus nigra – black poplar
Populus tremuloides – trembling poplar
Quercus robur – common oak
Tilia grandiflora – largeleaf linden

The company Staufen Pharma in Göppingen has produced these preparations for me, with the exception of viscum pinus. This latter remedy comes from the company Wala in Eckwälden.

Over the course of 20 years I have experienced via the EAV medicine test that the various viscum preparations of the same potency have different effects. The reason behind this might be that through the interaction of the mistletoe and the tree, that the mistletoe takes on some of the health giving attributes of the host tree.

The leaves, buds, flowers and fruit, in part also the needles, roots, and bark of the listed trees are all used in herbal medicine. As an infusion in a partial bath, or an invigorating full bath, in alcoholic extraction as in a liniment, the leaves, mostly used as teas, crushed root bark as enemas and rectal injections, but also as a powder for oral use; the bark is also often used as an ingredient in teas. The pulverised charcoal of the mistletoe itself is furthermore used internally. These plant parts in the mentioned trees are used as a diaphoretic, as a counter-irritant for the skin, as an astringent both externally and internally, as diuretic, expectorant, anti-rheumatic and anti-arthritic remedies, and as antiseptic working medications.

In the following section will be described the mentioned trees, from which are produced the respective remedies.

Abies alba – silver fir, also known as pinus picea: concentrates of the buds or needles are used for a partial bath or in a stronger full bath. Internally for excessive mucous in the lungs, skin rashes, and rheumatism. From the resin of the bark is made oil of turpentine. Fir needle baths are among other purposes also strengthening to the nerves. A distillate made from the cones is used as a liniment for gout and rheumatism.
Viscum abies alba is used for all pre-cancerous stages of the respiratory pathways.

Acer campestre – also known as common or small leafed maple: a medicinal use of parts of this tree is unknown. Of all the viscum preparations I now know that the common maple mistletoe is the strongest acting from among the mistletoe preparations.

Acer pseudoplantinus – false plane tree: a medicinal use is not known. The leaf is given to sheep, the wood is used technically by wagon makers, carpenters, and in cabinet making. Furthermore the wood is one of the finest for heating.
Viscum acer pseudoplantinus is use for all pre-cancerous stages of the stomach.

Betula alba. The leaves as tea are a good diuretic, also used against gout, arthritis urica, rheumatism, kidney gravel and stones.
Viscum betula alba is tested for all pre-cancerous stages of the kidney, if patients at the same time exhibit pain in the joints.

Fraxinus excelsior – ash: the leaves are used as a tea for joints, gall bladder, liver, and kidney sufferings.
Viscum fraxinus has been proven for all pre-cancerous conditions accompanying joint sufferings.

Malus communis – apple tree: the root bark contains the glycocide phlorizin, the same which is involved in renal phlorizin diabetes, which means a glycosurea in nearly the lowest possible quantity. Pectin in the bark and fruits acts as a tannic (type) substance, for example to use a shredded raw apple diet for suffering of diarrhoea, according to Heisler.
Viscum malus is used, and repeatedly tested for all pre-cancerous stages of the stomach and intestinal canal, except the rectum and anal canal.

Phytolacca decandra. The leaves are used and given crushed as a poultice, “a trusted force against cancer”, according to the old writings. The fruits serve as a vermifuge, especially in taenia. Fresh roots are used in a mother tincture, it is given also potentised for focal infections, infectious arthritis, glandular illness, and for lumps in the breast.

Viscum phytolacca is tested for all pre-leukemic conditions, and pre-stages if tumours of the nasal pathways.

Pinus sylvestris. The fresh sprouts are used to make a concentrate. As a decoction are the young pine sprouts used for chronic bronchitis, gout, and rheumatism, furthermore for inflammatory illnesses of the urinary pathways due to their antiseptic action. Externally as a dressing or bath for various skin diseases.

Viscum pinea, planta tota from the company Wala, I use for all pre-cancerous stages of the lower respiratory pathways and lungs.

Populus nigra – black poplar: black poplar buds for internal usage. The glycoside-complex of the black poplar has the effect of lowering the uric acid level in the blood, through an improved uric acid excretion. Used as a diuretic and expectorant, and for illnesses of the urinary pathways.

Viscum populus nigra is proven for all pre-cancerous stages of the urological and urogenital organs, and furthermore also for pre-cancerous stages of the pancreas.

Populus tremuloides – aspen: the bark and leaves are used for bladder sufferings, enuresis of the elderly; prostate hypertrophy with mild cystitis and irritation of the neck of the bladder.

Viscum populus tremuloides has the same indications as those for viscum populus nigra.

Quercus robur – oak: the parts used are the bark, and the fruit with the shell. Oak bark pulverised as an astringent, internally and externally, for tissue weakness in different branches of medicine, for example as rectal injections for rectal prolapse, anal fistulae and haemorrhoids, vaginal douches prescribed for fluor albus, and oak bark baths for gout.
Enemas furthermore for intestinal bleeding and diarrhoea.
Viscum quercus for all pre-cancerous stages of the rectum and anal canal.

Tilia europaea – linden: the flowers are used for tea. This tea acts as a diaphoretic and antispasmodic, is a counter-irritant to the skin for people with excess perspiration, and is used for all types of colds. Further action as a diuretic. The linden charcoal, carbo tilia: is used against lung-TB, haemoptysis, gall bladder and liver illnesses and carcinoma.
Viscum tilia finds use for all pre-leukemic and pre-cancerous stages, where there is a tendency for the body to perspire, but also for a partial sweating of the neck.

Quinones as complementary therapy for the various mistletoe preparations

A special quality of the quinone is its ability to absorb up to 4 times more oxygen than other substances. It is by this a strong potential oxidation substance, and necessary for freeing up tissues from toxins retained in the cells of the mesenchyme. The quinones release such toxins through oxidation which are then transported out via the lymph system. Through poor utilisation of oxygen of partially or totally blocked mesenchyme(s), comes to our patients a partial oxygen deficiency to the tissues.

Through the administration of the quinones in various contexts, it is possible to increase the oxygen utilisation in the cells. According to prof. Domagk, quinone therapy has a very good influence against the mutation of cells. What occurs is an improved cellular respiration, and a breaking up of mutagenic alterations within the cells.

Through the action of the quinone almost all excretion mechanisms are used with increased quantity of urea, by increased specific gravity of the urine, which means making the urine colour more golden-yellow, by more faeces, and also more perspiration. Therefore when you use a quinone cure you are assisting the function of the elimination organs. The quinones further are respiratory catalysers.

The strongest acting quinone is ubiquinone in potentised form. It exerts a powerful regeneration effect on blocked cellular respiration. Ubiquinone is used to treat hyperlipemia and for people who are overweight. It is very useful for these people to combine the treatment with potentised intermediary preparations of the lipid metabolism, cholesterol, acetone, ethyl acetoacetate, glycerine, cystine and cysteine, used for cholecystectomy patients or for patients with chronic cholangitis and cholangiolitis, for patients with xanthelasma or xantomas on the elbows, small finger joints, on the knee, heel and toe joints.

Comes in green leaves and vegetables, in spinach, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, also in tomatoes. Naphthoquinone is used for neoplasm phases of the stomach and intestinal canal, but also for the sexual organs of women, and the prostate in men. In combination with quinhydrone and benzoquinone can highly toxic deposits be released and burned off. An important part of naphthoquinone is phylloquinone, which the anti-haemorrhagic vitamin K1 is representing, this is important in neoplasm phases with a tendency towards bleeding. Naphthoquinone in potentised form is a powerful adjuvant for blocked respiratory enzymes.

Triquinoyl is furthermore a dehydrating substance, which means it acts as a detoxification substance, it is chemically an alpha-keto aldehyde, a carbonyl-binder.

The main action of anthraquinone is on the gastro-intestinal tract and rectum. From plant sources anthraquinone is found in aloe, common buckthorn bark (Rhamnus cathartica), in senna leaves, legumes, and in rhubarb, all of these substances stimulate the large intestine peristalsis. Potentised anthraquinone is used to normalise, including respectively re-establishing immune function(s), as according to Koch the blocked cellular respiration is improved; through the burning off of accumulated toxins a regeneration of the tissues is possible.
Viscum quercus and anthraquinone for the rectum and anus, viscum malus and anthraquinone for the intestinal canal.

is not a hydrogen acceptor, it is not used to dehydrate, but it serves as a carrying substance for carbonyl binding, among others aldehydes and ketones; both are in the CO-group, and can cause a series of reactions. With potentised quinhydrone you have the possibility, via the carbonyl, of a liberating oxidation, as a therapeutic action. Quinhydrone works as an intermediary catalyst, and is indicated in enzymatic disturbances or blocking of the cellular respiration, in neoplasm phases or in viral illnesses. Quinhydrone is also an activator for parts of the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle is a large pool for intermediary products, which are used for the building up of new cell materials or the breakdown thereof. So writes prof. Karlsson in his book ”Biochemie” (Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart).

In classical homeopathy for the release and following oxidation of toxins, mostly the metals are used, Argentum, Aurum, Mercurius, Ferrum, and Cuprum. The deep going action of these potentised metals is known. This is why I give along with quinhydrone, according to the test, one or two of the just named homeopathic remedies.

Benzoquinone is found in the red pigment of the mushroom amanita muscaria. From this mushroom also is made the homeopathic remedy Agaricus muscarius.
It is indicated for the treatment of disturbances of the cellular respiration in degeneration phases. And is necessary to use as an anti-spasmodic for the vascular system and biliary passages. Together with Viscum abies for chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs, therefore it is used in the pre-cancerous stages of lung and respiratory passages. For easily disturbed patients with general nerve pain, in chronic spasmodic stomach illnesses, and especially for smokers, but also for inflammation of the kidneys, urinary passages, and bladder, including also polyp formation in the bladder with the below mentioned viscum preparation. Viscum-malus for the stomach, Viscum-populus tremuloides or populus nigra for the urinary organs, Viscum-fraxinus for the gall bladder and biliary pathways, always in combination with a quinone preparation.

Methylene blue
Methylene blue is an important hydrogen doner, and therefore causes oxygen release, e.g. “oxidation”. I use the potentised methylele blue for degenerative illnesses of the nerve system. I often give this together with the remedy Struthantus syringifolius, which comes from a parasite that grows on the coffee tree.
Methylele blue can however also be given for illnesses in the urogenital sector in combination with other quinones.

Anti-degenerative working homeopathy as accompanying therapy to the mistletoe preparations and quinones

In general are the following 12 homeopathic remedies the ones most typically needed:

1. Acidum aceticum. In the homeopathic textbook of Mezger “Gesichtete homöopathische Arnzneimittellehre” (Haug Verlag), is this remedy among others used for cachexia and the final stages of TB. In the test it has been shown useful for all pre-cancerous stages of the stomach.
2. Argentum nitricum for stomach and uterus cancer. In tests as a mucous membrane remedy for the gastro-intestinal tract and bladder.
3. Asterias rubens – starfish, for illnesses of the mammary glands and female reproductive organs. Same experience with the test.
4. Causticum – Mezger lists the main action of this remedy on the locomotor system, the congestion of the respiratory pathways, the peristalsis, the female reproductive organs and in skin cancer. The testing of causticum has been proven by me in illnesses of the rectum and anal canal.
5. Cetraria islandica, Icelandic moss, as expectorant in chronic bronchial catarrh, and in tubercular conditions. In the test for pre-cancerous stages of the hypopharnyx and larynx.
6. Calamus aromaticus in weakness of the peristalsis, dyspepsia, in joint illnesses, and in illnesses of the skin, scrofulae.
7. Kreosotum in stomach, rectum, and uterus cancer. In the test for all pre-cancerous stages of the respiratory pathways.
8. Ornithogalum, Star of Bethlehem, for illness and cancer of the stomach and intestine, according to Mezger. In my tests for all pre-cancerous stages for the gall bladder and biliary pathways.
9. Stellaria media – chickweed, for lung catarrh, tuberculosis, vomiting of blood, and for haemorrhoids. In the test I have shown for all pre-cancerous stages of the uterus.
10. Silicea – Mezger reports the case of Stiegele, who healed intestinal cancer alone through the use of silicea. To reflect upon this, one may note that the pancreas organ is the richest in silicic acid, and therefore most reactive to a silicic acid deficiency.
11. Sedum acre – stonecrop. This remedy is used for painful haemorrhoids, anal fissure, and spasmodic pain in the rectum. The juice of this plant is given especially for skin cancer. In the test I have proven for all pre-cancerous stages of the intestinal canal.
12. Senecio vulgaris – English groundsel has in homeopathy the indications for amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, during the EAV-test this preparation has been proven as a complementary remedy for all pre-cancerous stages of afflicted organs.

The use of degeneration nosodes in combination with mistletoe preparations, quinones and the anti-degenerative working homeopathic medications.

To pursue the goal directed pre-cancerous diagnostics and therapy of EAV, specific degeneration nosodes for the organs are tested and used in connection with a mistletoe preparation, a quinone, and anti-degenerative working homeopathic medications.

Mrs. M.L.A. from Ma.,
21.1.1980 aged 44

Deg. Nos. Coecum 3X
Viscum Acer pseudoplantinus 3X
Benzoquinone 5X three ampoules (1 ml)
Borax 3X
Sedum acre 3X

Benzoquinone is first available in 5X as ampoules; to balance the readings to 50 the degeneration nosode Coecum 3X was necessary, together with three ampoules Benzoquinone 5X. The homeopathic anti-degenerative working medications of sedum acre and borax are used in the same potency as the degeneration nosode. The last two preparations have among other properties, an anti-spasmodic action.

Mrs. H.P., from M. aged 38

Deg. Nos. Pancreas 3X
Viscum Acer campestre 3X
Senecio vulgaris 3X
Ubiquinone 6X four ampoules

Ubiquinone exists beginning as 6X, the degeneration nosode Pancreas 3X was needed for the test together with four ampoules ubiquinone.

Mrs. I.Sch., from S.Mö., aged 60

Deg. Nos. Ventriculus-ulcus 4X
Naphthoquinone 5X two ampoules
Calamus aromaticus 4X
Viscum malus 4X
Senecio vulgaris 4X

Naphthoquinone was given in 5X as the lowest potency in ampoules. Together with the degeneration nosode ventriculus-ulcus were needed two ampoules of naphthoquinone 5X to balance the readings to 50.

G.H. from Fr.
27.2.1980 aged 56

Deg. Nos. Cardia 3X + 4X
Viscum malus 3X + 4X
Calamus aromaticus 3X + 4X
Quinhydrone 5X three ampoules

Deg. Nos. Pancreas 5X
Viscum populus nigra 5X
Benzoquinone 5X
Silicea 5X

This patient had two pre-cancerous readings, at the entrance of the stomach and in the pancreas. The quinone is available beginning as 5X, and to balance were tested the degeneration nosode Cardia 3X and three ampoules of quinhydrone.

Th.W., from U., aged 71

Deg. Nos Cardia 3X
Viscum Acer campestre 3X
Ubiquinone 6X three ampoules
Acid aceticum 3X

Deg. Nos. Colon transversum
stenosierend 6X
Viscum quercus 6X
Quinhydrone 6X
Causticum 6X

This patient had two pre-cancerous readings, the stronger was at the entrance to the stomach, which required 3X, whereas for the large intestine 6X was needed.

P.Sch., from St. Ca,
7.2.1980 aged 61

Deg Nos Ventriculus 4X
Viscum Acer pseudoplantinus 4X
Naphthoquinone 5X two ampoules
Argentum nitricum 4X

Deg. Nos. nodular
hyperplasia of the prostate 4X
Viscum populus nigra 4X
Benzoquinone 5X two ampoules
Conium 4X

Deg Nos. Rectum 5X
Viscum quercus 5X
Causticum 5X
Anthraquinone 6X two ampoules

The 61 year old patient had three pre-cancerous readings, in the stomach, prostate, and in the rectum. Each pre-cancerous organ needed a different viscum preparation, one other quinone, and one other anti-degenerative working medication. These remedies could not be interchanged. The one required for the stomach, viscum acer pseudoplantinus, could not be used for the prostate or rectum.

Address of the author: Dr. med. R. Voll, Richard-Wagner-Straße 5, D-7310 Plochingen.
