The cells function better when the pH, r, and oxidation/reduction (rH2) levels of the body fluids are within the normal physiological range.
Mesures bioélectroniques de la santé (individus sains)
* 220-240 (♀), 210-220 (♂)
Mesures bioélectroniques du Cancer
Le pH: potentiel Hydrogène (concentration en protons)
rH2: réduction Hydrogène ou potentiel d'oxydo-réduction (concentration en electrons)
rô = facteur de résistivité ou diélectrique (concentration en electrolytes)
The treatment begins with supplements:
Optimal pH values of about 6.8 in the urine are attainable through a daily dose of 8.0 grams fruit salt. Chemists’ blends such as Na-bicarb. 2.55g, citric acid 0.823g or Na-bicarb. 1.716g, citric acid 0.702g, tartaric acid 0.853g, Natr. Citr. 0.613g, are well tolerated formulas, Uralyt-U® (Madaus), Citro-soda® (Abbott), Effersol® (NHP), and Eno Fruit Salt®, as commercial productions. Organic acids bound to a cation are better tolerated than soda, if potassium and magnesium, less calcium, are also added in such a formula, this would be more comprehensive, as far as the cations are concerned.
Counter-indications regarding above, in consideration of gastrointestinal illness.
100 mg daily of bis beta carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide to improve the rH2 factor.
Filtered drinking water (reverse osmosis process) which has over 6000 ohms following filtration, balances the r value. The spring waters Volvic, Mont Roucous, or Haderheck are also acceptable.
Pure mineral water tapped at 927 metres high amid the forests surrounding Lacaune, where there is a nature reserve.
ANALYSIS (mg/ltr – miliquivalent/ltr)
Silicon : 6.90 rH2: 26.3 pH: 6
Mineral total (dry weight) at 180○ : 19mg/ltr Hydrometric grade : 0.25
Resistance (ohms x cm at 20○ C) : 43,500
MONT ROUCOUS source water has a freshness and a lightness, which is especially suited for those spending much time in dry interior climates, where one must drink more than one imagines, to maintain the fluids balance. Also for toddlers’ drinking flasks, and for all who prefer a pure light water.
Dosage: unless otherwise ordered, 3 x daily a glass of 200ml, possibly before meals to be drunken. Bladder incontinence (weakness of the bladder evacuation musculature), constriction of the urinary pathways, difficult passage of large stones, sodium- and chloride-deficiency. Under medical supervision only, when administered for children. The following should also be prohibited during therapy, due to their high oxidation level.
boiled milk, rH2 28
linseed oil, rH2 27.4
cooked potatoes, rH2 30
white bread, rH2 27.5
[as opposed to whole wheat bread, rH2 13.75 & acceptable]
wheat pasta, rH2 27
cucumber, rH2 27
peaches, rH2 27
blackberries, 2 27
dates, rH2 26.5
dried cherries, rH2 30
canned spinach, rH2 27.3
4 day old egg yolk, rH2 28
[fresh egg yolk rH2 22, acceptable]
refined white sugar, rH2 26
[as opposed to “raw” sugar rH2 22, acceptable]
codeine, rH2 43
atropine sulphate, rH2 29
digitalis, rH2 25
penicillin, rH2 28.6
quinine, rH2 28.3
sodium bicarbonate, rH2 34
carbonated water, rH2 28
various types of mineral waters, esp. of high
sulphate and lime content
water treated with chlorine or ozone
The most suitable oils, regarding the fatty acid profiles, for human health are mechanically pressed olive oil and pecans. Corn, rapeseed, flax, walnut and soy oils, all contain an excess of a very unstable, and easily oxidized fatty acid.
The balancing of the physics parameters of the body fluids should benefit the elimination organs. Should there be any deficiency remaining in these organs [in terms of drainage of toxins and canalization through these organs] a selection from the below listed remedies may be administered, usually in the potencies 8X or 10X, 2 to 3 drops dosage, once weekly, for several weeks.
The cells function better when the pH, r, and oxidation/reduction (rH2) levels of the body fluids are within the normal physiological range.
Mesures bioélectroniques de la santé (individus sains)
Liquides | pH | rH2 | rô |
Sang | 7.1 | 22 | 210* |
Salive | 6.5 | 22 | 140 |
Urine | 6.8 | 24 | 30 |
* 220-240 (♀), 210-220 (♂)
Mesures bioélectroniques du Cancer
Liquides | pH | rH2 | rô |
Sang | 7.8 | 29 | <120 |
Salive | 7.1 | 30 | 230 |
Urine | 5.0 | 12 | 230 |
Le pH: potentiel Hydrogène (concentration en protons)
rH2: réduction Hydrogène ou potentiel d'oxydo-réduction (concentration en electrons)
rô = facteur de résistivité ou diélectrique (concentration en electrolytes)
The treatment begins with supplements:
Optimal pH values of about 6.8 in the urine are attainable through a daily dose of 8.0 grams fruit salt. Chemists’ blends such as Na-bicarb. 2.55g, citric acid 0.823g or Na-bicarb. 1.716g, citric acid 0.702g, tartaric acid 0.853g, Natr. Citr. 0.613g, are well tolerated formulas, Uralyt-U® (Madaus), Citro-soda® (Abbott), Effersol® (NHP), and Eno Fruit Salt®, as commercial productions. Organic acids bound to a cation are better tolerated than soda, if potassium and magnesium, less calcium, are also added in such a formula, this would be more comprehensive, as far as the cations are concerned.
Counter-indications regarding above, in consideration of gastrointestinal illness.
100 mg daily of bis beta carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide to improve the rH2 factor.
Filtered drinking water (reverse osmosis process) which has over 6000 ohms following filtration, balances the r value. The spring waters Volvic, Mont Roucous, or Haderheck are also acceptable.
Pure mineral water tapped at 927 metres high amid the forests surrounding Lacaune, where there is a nature reserve.
ANALYSIS (mg/ltr – miliquivalent/ltr)
Element / Compound | mg/ltr | mEq/ltr |
Calcium | 1.20 | 0.060 |
Magnesium | 0.20 | 0.016 |
Natrium | 2.80 | 0.122 |
Kalium | 0.40 | 0.010 |
Chloride | 3.20 | 0.090 |
Nitrate | 2.30 | 0.037 |
Sulfate | 3.30 | 0.069 |
Bicarbonate | 4.90 | 0.080 |
Silicon : 6.90 rH2: 26.3 pH: 6
Mineral total (dry weight) at 180○ : 19mg/ltr Hydrometric grade : 0.25
Resistance (ohms x cm at 20○ C) : 43,500
MONT ROUCOUS source water has a freshness and a lightness, which is especially suited for those spending much time in dry interior climates, where one must drink more than one imagines, to maintain the fluids balance. Also for toddlers’ drinking flasks, and for all who prefer a pure light water.
Zusammensetzung: 1kg des Heilwassers enthält: Natrium-Ion (Na+) 8,4mg, Kalium-Ion (K+) 0,90mg, Lithium-Ion (Li+) 0,02mg, Calcium-Ion (Ca2+) 18,58mg, Magnesium-Ion (Mg2+) 9,55mg, Kupfer (II)-Ion (Cu2+) 0,0085mg, Zink-Ion (Zn2+) 0,11mg, Caesium-Ion (Cs+) 0,005mg, Germanium (IV)-Ion (Ge4+) 0,, Beryllium-Ion (Be2+) 0,001mg, Aluminium-Ion (Al3+) 0,1mg, Molybdän (IV)-Ion (Mo4+) 0,01mg, Chlorid-Ion (Cl-) 19,38mg, Bromid-Ion (Br-) 0,06mg, Fluorid-Ion (F-) 0,08mg, Sulfat-Ion (S042-) 13,32mg, Hydrogencarbonat-Ion (HC03-) 73,24mg, Hydrogenphosphat-Ion (HP042-) 0,065mg, Nitrat-Ion (NO3-) 4,4mg, Kieselsäure, meta (H2Si03) 18,85mg, Metaborsäure (HB02)X 2,35mg, Fries Kohlendioxid (C02) 52,0mg.
Dosage: unless otherwise ordered, 3 x daily a glass of 200ml, possibly before meals to be drunken. Bladder incontinence (weakness of the bladder evacuation musculature), constriction of the urinary pathways, difficult passage of large stones, sodium- and chloride-deficiency. Under medical supervision only, when administered for children. The following should also be prohibited during therapy, due to their high oxidation level.
boiled milk, rH2 28
linseed oil, rH2 27.4
cooked potatoes, rH2 30
white bread, rH2 27.5
[as opposed to whole wheat bread, rH2 13.75 & acceptable]
wheat pasta, rH2 27
cucumber, rH2 27
peaches, rH2 27
blackberries, 2 27
dates, rH2 26.5
dried cherries, rH2 30
canned spinach, rH2 27.3
4 day old egg yolk, rH2 28
[fresh egg yolk rH2 22, acceptable]
refined white sugar, rH2 26
[as opposed to “raw” sugar rH2 22, acceptable]
codeine, rH2 43
atropine sulphate, rH2 29
digitalis, rH2 25
penicillin, rH2 28.6
quinine, rH2 28.3
sodium bicarbonate, rH2 34
carbonated water, rH2 28
various types of mineral waters, esp. of high
sulphate and lime content
water treated with chlorine or ozone
The most suitable oils, regarding the fatty acid profiles, for human health are mechanically pressed olive oil and pecans. Corn, rapeseed, flax, walnut and soy oils, all contain an excess of a very unstable, and easily oxidized fatty acid.
The balancing of the physics parameters of the body fluids should benefit the elimination organs. Should there be any deficiency remaining in these organs [in terms of drainage of toxins and canalization through these organs] a selection from the below listed remedies may be administered, usually in the potencies 8X or 10X, 2 to 3 drops dosage, once weekly, for several weeks.
Liver: Berberis, Carduus marianus, Cheledonium, Flor de Piedra, Hamamelis, Oxalis acet., Taraxacum.
Large Intestine: Baptisa, Berberis, Carbo veget., Hydrastis, Kalium phosphoricum, Sedum acre, Potentilla ans.
Rectum: Causticum, Natrium choleinicum, Scrophularia.
Small Intestine: Abrotanum, Alumina, Dulcamara, Elaps corallinus, Harpagophytum, Nasturtium, Oleander, Pontentilla ans., Scrophularia, Tormentilla.
Gall Bladder: Magnesium sulfuricum, Mercurius dulcis, Natrium sulfuricum, Ornithogalum, Ptelea trifoliata.
Lung: Coccus cacti, Kalium bichrom., Kalium sulfuricum.
Lymph system: Abies nigra, Vinca minor, Vinca rosea.
Kidney: Acidum nitricum, Berberis, Equisetum, Herniaria glabra, Kalium bromatum, Natrium phosphoricum, Ononis spinosa, Ruta, Sarsaparilla, Solidago, Urtica urens.
The above remedies only monitor or regulate the elimination, they are not meant to restore tissue function.* Do not over administer, if several organs need “drainage” remedies, they can be administered on separate days of the week, for example. Generally only 1 remedy per organ.
* see (partial) list of anti-degenerative homeopathic remedies - Voll article below.
It is noted that the blood rH2 value in degenerative cases is in excess, this is also is exhibited in nervous states, neurosis, and in psychosis. A benefit of utilization of the supplements to reduce the high rH2 is that nervous symptoms will be reduced, requiring, as below, a less lengthy treatment.
Autonomy is a concept derived from personality development, but also in certain aspects from sovietology.
In the development of homeopathy it was discovered that copper miners developed intestinal constriction, due to exposure to high amounts of copper.
Copper is however used in homeopathy to treat adults, especially with asthmatic symptoms, resulting from oral phase childhood conflicts; generally for all types of constriction, circulatory, intestinal, smooth muscle, also a uterine irritant.
Adults can develop symptoms similar to those whose origin is found in disturbances of the early childhood phases.
base Masochism is my own term, it is paired with the oral phase, it constitutes self-blame, rather than an outward seeking of emotional responsiveness, according to the needs of the infant. It is the predecessor of later masochistic types.
Constitutional therapy for the «weak autonomy».
In the lower dilution numbers 5X, 6X, 8X, 10X, 12X, these are administered in several doses as needed. The mid-range potencies, 15X and 30X, and higher potencies, 60X, 100X, 200X, and 400X, are given only as a single dosage.
Prior to specific anti-tumor therapy I balance the phases up to the 30th dilution, i.e. 30X, this is beyond Avogadro’s constant. Earlier work with Pulsatilla, according to the method of Reckeweg [et. al. Krebsprobleme – Aurelia Verlag] proved insufficient in some cases, using dilutions only up to 8X and 12X.
It is noted that “weak autonomy” may take the form as an inherited taint, hereditäre Belastung, wherein either of the parents may have had tuberculosis, and passed the taint to the offspring, in the form of deposit in tissues of residue of tuberculin vaccine, residue of infection of tuberculosis, or as emotional/ environmental response of the individual. Treatment with Tuberculinum nosode.
Tin exposure – even in the form as a component of amalgam dental fillings may cause symptoms of weak autonomy; treatment – removal of dental fillings and replacement with compatible material, administration of Stannum metallicum; see Odontogene Herde und Störfaktoren, by Joachim Thomsen, ML-Verlag, Uelzen, Germany.
As the different remedies for the given phase correspond to variations of emotional and/or physical response, the lowest potency [which corresponds to the severest symptoms] from among the grouping is used, as a selected remedy. The base masochism is always checked along with the oral phase remedies.
Resolution of the genital phase, up to potency 30X, is not as important as the oral/ base masochism and autonomy phases, as a precursor to specific anti-tumor therapy, and is generally only pursued if the symptoms from the genital phase are severe, representing significant neurotic symptoms.
It is noted from a colleague that the presence of parasites and/or patient history of parasites, residual toxins therefrom, favour the blastoma’s development. Therefore special attention should be directed to the treatment of patients who exhibit symptoms wherein the remedies Phosphorus and Veratrum are indicated.
The lowest potencies are administered first, and the oral/ base masochism phase must be resolved to 30X prior to the autonomy phase being resolved to 30X.
Aurum metallicum
Cuprum aceticum
Cuprum metallicum
Magnesium sulfate
Natrium muriaticum*
Phosphorus [parasites]
base Masochism
Electrolyte composition of human colostrum & milk, expressed as mM/kg water, Macie, 1949.
Fluid | Na | K | Ca | Mg | Cl |
Colostrum | 24.2 | 21.1 | 21.1 | 01.9 | 18.3 |
Milk | 08.3 | 14.5 | 09.6 | 01.5 | 11.7 |
The increased other elements in colostrum assist in the expulsion of mucous accumulation from the intestinal tract and lungs (Mn), stimulate the expulsion of bilirubin (Se), and establishes the regulatory function of the urinary tract and bowels (Zn).
Absence of colostrum provision to the infant not only is concomitant with deficient elemental stimulation to the thymus and the developing immune system, hereunder the mesenchymal derived tissues, but also deficient of elemental stimulus to the pancreatic secretion (test Syzygium jambolanum), of the newborn, see text box, in comparison to E. Bro-Rasmussen, S. Killmans, J.H. Thaysen, (1956) Acta phsyiol. scand. № 37, pp. 97-113, with high levels of pancreatic mixed secretion the chloride level is lessened.
The similia, for deficient colostrum provision, is the remedy of Senega, however, it is noted that among the constitutional remedies for odontogenic irritation of the pancreas, for dys-fermentation of the small intestine and pancreas, and for pancreatic illnesses, that ¼th of these are found in the above rubrics, i.e. china, mag. sulf., phos., and graphites.
* For patient history of deficient colostrum provision occurring during infancy, consider also the constitutional remedy Natrium muriaticum.
It it further commented on that the early severing of the umbilical cord, results in a need for the application of the similia of Anacardium orientale, and can be a contributing factor, among others, in the establishment of the Barium carbonicum (Autonomy phase) constitution.
Copper displacement occurs with the need for the similia of Anacardium orientale, (below) from the notes of Joachim Thomsen dr. med. dent., at Las Vegas in 1986:
[copper] “Catalyser for the enzymes of the cellular metabolism, and pigmental metabolism. Catalyser for the yellow enzymes or enzymes of oxidation.”
Thus we have the origins of all primary pollen and foods’ allergic responses, that of copper displacement – affiliated with the need for the similia of Anacardicum orientale – secondary allergies can result as of exposures to synthetics, as for example with phthalates exposure causing latex allergy.
Arsenicum album
Barium carbonicum
Calcium carbonicum
Calcium fluoricum
Carbo vegetabilis
Hepar sulfuricum
Magnesium muriaticum
Acidum phosphoricum
Antimonium crudum
Argentum metallicum
Argentum nitricum
Aurum jodatum
Belladonna [mania]
Calcium phosphoricum
Ferrum aceticum
Ferrum metallicum
Ferrum phosphoricum
Kalium bichromicum [masculine aggressive]
Kalium carbonicum [feminine masochism]
Lachesis [masochism with a perversion]
Luesinum [sadism]
Magnesium carbonicum
Magnesium phosphoricum
Mercurius [religious masochism]
Natrium carbonicum
Natrium sulfuricum [phallic narcissistic]
Nux vomica
Veratrum [parasites]
Curare (arrow poison) [pædophilia]
Kalium muriaticum
Thereafter one can use the ordinary therapy developed by Dr. Voll and his circle – 1980, with injected mistletoe (viscum preparations), oral applications of quinones [possibly also components of the Krebs’ cycle] and the anti-degeneration working homeopathic remedies; thereby one can reduce the tumour.