German Energetic Medicine


Philosophers and scientists of distinction have tried to interpret these two terms. That is why I shall only say a few modest words about this which I do not claim to be scientifically complete or philosophically profound, but which refer to the topic of this book.

If you look up the word "health" in a dictionary you will find the following definitions: well-being, free from pathological symp­toms. Under "disease" you may find: disorder of the body or mind. These definitions are not wrong, but neither are they right nor in any way satisfactory. The following example may demonstrate this: a person who has taken strong drugs, e.g. pain killers or psychopharmaceuticals, feels well, is able to work and shows no signs of illness; but does that mean to say that he is healthy?

It follows from the above definitions that one term cannot be described without the other. If one defines the term health well, you will also have defined the term disease, for everything that does not correspond to the term health, must correspond to the term disease.

Health could perhaps be defined as a stable condition of harmony relating to all functions of organs and tissues. A healthy person is able to react normally to internal and external stimulation.

As soon as he can no longer react in such a way; if his reactions are absent, are too weak or too strong, or go in the wrong direction; health is disturbed, the person is ill.

This is a functional approach which has many advantages over the previously mentioned approach. The disadvantage is, however, that it is at times difficult to decide whether a reaction is normal or not.

Health and disease are also measurable as has been shown by the French researcher, hydrologist and engineer prof. Louis Claude Vincent, author of "Bio-Electronics Vincent" named after him [1,3,4,5].

This is achieved by the definition of the biological terrain. Three parameters describe the biological terrain:

pHThe acidity level, the number of protons existing in the solution.
rH2     The hydrogen gas pressure, the degree of reduction of oxidation, number of electrons, polarisation. Protons and electrons are the essential building blocks of all matter and the prequisite of all electro-magnetic processes.
r     The specific resistance of the solution, measured in Ohms, degree of the mineralization and the osmotic pressure.

A relatively small area indicates the terrain health. Each deviation from the healthy terrain means illness, whether it is manifest or not. There is a terrain which indicates degeneration (cancer) including the pre-cancerous stage, one terrain which indicates the tendency to­wards thrombosis or cardiac infarct, one terrain for neuroses and psychoses, one for viruses, another one for bacterial infections and many more.

The term "biological terrain" therefore means the condition defined by the three parameters pH, rH2 and r, which permits us to decide whether health or disease is present and which kind of disease the body has a tendency towards. Bacteria, for example, need a very special terrain or environment, which can be defined by the three measurement values mentioned, in order to live and multiply. The tubercle bacilli, for example, need a different environment to that of the coli bacteria, the tetanus or cholera bacilli each need a different terrain. In that respect these micro-organisms are like plants. An oaktree needs a different soil, different minerals, humidity, temperature and climatic conditions, in short, a different terrain, to that of an oleander or a cactus. If this terrain becomes disturbed, e.g. if it becomes too acid (acid rain), the tree becomes ill or it dies.

The terrain, therefore, is dependent on environmental conditions, which, in turn, influence the inner terrain of the living organism, so that health or disease are the consequence. Health, therefore, can be defined as the condition in which the human being has an adequate biological terrain. According to Vincent [1,3,4,5] this terrain is also dependent on electro-magnetic forces coming from the universe as well as from the body itself. They are oscillations which are actually caused by the continuous movement in the whole universe by the inductive processes of all living things in the macro and micro cosmos (galaxies, solar systems, planets, moons, earth, each move­ment above and underneath the earth, and everything that moves within live matter) [ll]. Electro-magnetic processes are the "deus ex machina" in the whole universe the unexpected assistant from heaven (in Greek theatre), who brings order and personifies the law.

Electro-magnetic oscillations are dependent on the presence of protons and electrons and minerals. They are also carriers of infor­mation. Some time ago it was thought that the information within the body would only be transmitted from the sender to the recipient on humoral and neural paths. Today this view can no longer hold. Nerve fibres and body fluids (blood, lymph) are transmitters of motor and sensitive stimulation, bearers of biochemical substances for the maintenance and waste collection of tissues. But, how do organs, tissues and cells communicate with each other? Popp [21] points out that the enormous amount of information within a living organism can only be transmitted via radiation, oscillations that move at the speed of light. There is, to give an example, an information system which maintains a stable balance between dying cells and newly forming cells. lt is not a matter of a few thousand but of 7 to 10 million cells that have to be renewed per second. Nerves and body fluids would be too slow for that. However, in order to transmit information electro-magnetically transmitters and receivers are necessary according to our way of thinking, and those exist in the double helix of the DNA in the cell nucleus. (Popp, Vincent [1,2].

Here we have further proof of the importance of electro-magnetic oscillations as the transmitter of information for all processes within living organisms. They are responsible for all metabolic processes, for the growth and dying away of cells, for the fermentation and temperature regulation, the conscious and sub-conscious perception, to name but a few. In reality the amount of information being transmitted in a single cell in each second is so great that it would take a hundred years to read it if it were printed (Popp).

As the bearer of information electro-magnetic oscillations enjoy priority over all biochemical processes. Information has to exist first of all. Only then can all the other processes, perceptible or inperceptible, take place, after they have been made possible and put into motion by the electro-magnetic information. Does not a boss give his employee an order, a piece of information, before he can perform?

Therefore health can further be defined as a stable condition of unhindered transmission of all information within the body. Any disturbance of the transmission of this internal communication can therefore be described as a pathological condition. These disturban­ces are blockages in the system of electro-magnetic oscillations. They cause pathological oscillations which superimpose the normal oscillations and lead to abnormal pieces of information, or to the wrong information which, in turn, causes pathological reactions and/or cause pathological tissue changes. If then it is possible to reduce these pathological oscillations or to eliminate them, the blockages mentioned will be neutralized and with that the body is able to react normally, which, in turn, means the chance to heal itself.

Franz Morell

A Danish biologist disagreed that DNA acts as an electro-magnetic transmitter/reciever.


As an experience of pure chance, it was shown by some researchers that when the correct drug was put to a quality test in the measurement-current-circle, the test would show normal reaction values in pathological cases. As the measurement-current sent into the body is minute, that is, lying in the micro-range, it will be noticed that even the smallest influence may produce change. It must be considered that in electro-acupuncture through the intervention of the action of the measurement-current on the inner organs, there has entered a minimal disturbance into the actual organ, but one which is strong enough to produce also a very small counter-reaction towards the incoming current. How this works an the smallest cell-unit is not possible to determine yet. At all circumstances however the proteins play an important role in the maintenance of the energetic cell-equilibrium. When an accumulated biological weakness exists in an organ, the measurement current is not able to overcome this disturbed state. This will be seen on the scale of the instrument as a specific drop of the indicator.

So the right medicament is capable of creating an energetic counter-balance in an organic-pathological alteration, whereby the measurement-values also normalize. With all probability, it's the electro-magnetic potential of the drug, which adds up with the measurement-current, in the shape of harmonic-oscillations. Hereby I have given the key-word for the reason of the apparent manifestations. By specific use of a drug, not only can it normalize the indicator reaction, but further it readily shows itself through this influence – to be capable of treating a pathological disturbance. It therefore can be given to the patient to start the healing process. This process of healing can be especially well shown through the use of homeopathic preparations. Here it must be emphasized, that when the homeopathic preparation first is given in the right manner, it is an ideal healing-drug with the best possible effect, at least when compared to other drugs, for the major part of known ways of drug-use. Special areas of allopathy cannot be described here in depth. Among the homeopathic preparations there exist ampules or vials to inject intramuscularly as well as the so-called "Globuli" which are based an milk-sugar. It can be seen, that the injectable preparations are the most effective in all applications.

Nosodes have the double-capability to give a potential account, not only for the test-material which can also be "the drug of reason", but as well of pathologically altered biological material. The drugs will be extracted from the living organism or from secretions of illness, as for instance altered nose-throat-slime-tissue or the secretions coming from these tissues. These extracts then have to be sterilized and tested on incompatible substances. When the guarantee of purity is secured in this way, the homeopathic preparation can begin. The selected drugs will be dissolved in salt water – as carrier – and dissolved to the concentration of body-fluids. This even can be used in the diagnosis and therapy of reason towards the nervous system, afflicted by organic deficiencies, as for instance the endocrine-vascular system and other special tissue relations. These methods can also be used towards pure metabolic disorders. By the here described method it is possible to make a juxtaposition which gives a general view of the body and its functioning as a holistic synopsis. In this way the whole complex of cardiology is challenged, as it is possible to obtain accurate information which can discriminate between myocard-, valves- and coronary-vascular-relations, traveling-paths of irritation, "lymph-supply", "vein-offstreaming", endocard and pericard, all of this on the basis of homeopathic record. It is also possible to test the other body areas, which have a functional influence on the heart and to demonstrate this.

Areas of Enterology, Pulmonology, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Endocrinology, and dental medicine also have to be mentioned. They all can be individually separated and/or worked through together, just to mention some few. Further ear-nose-throat medicine and Allergo logy, also have to be added. In any case, fine-divisions can be made after anatomical, functional and interdependent view-points.

In many bodily injuries the case history or "Ethiology" is in part very difficult to investigate. This especially applies to the nervous-system, where a lot of specialization is normally incorporated. Through the differentiated drug-test in electro-acupuncture, it is possible to uncover otherwise unsolvable relations. For instance, it can be shown, that in the case of paralysis, it is not the effect of a cerebral post-trauma, something like a space-consuming mass-bleeding with the decomposition of cellular paths, but much more often it is the effect of a long time exposure to large amounts of insecticides, in addition to a lot of other side-effects also having a human neuro-toxic affinity. This intoxication, when it exists, is impossible to discover by known clinical methods, while only gross functional disorders can be shown objectively. For the first time, it is now possible by the aid of electro-acupuncture to handle low-level disorders inside the body of micro-clinical action as well as in cases of sub-clinical and pathological areas. Only by this means is it possible to determine ethiological relationships as well as to establish an "early diagnosis" for preventive goals and hereby control otherwise inexplicable cases in late acute and first of all chronic diseases. By long lasting trouble, low-level disorders are accessible for search, with the aid of electro-acupuncture, it is often also the only and ultimate help for improving the situation. Through the use of nosodes in the initial stages of an illness, and also in fully developed and chronic illness it is possible to alter the immediate situation and create an improvement towards normalization. Through this varying initial condition, the same mechanism is to be expected, namely a specific energetic healing and segregation of the harmful substances and their catabolites. These go along with important and often not noticeable healing-process-phenomena which are of a normal type: relaxation, sleeplessness, an increase of hunger and the like. After this process, there will be no after-effects and certainly no dominating ill-effects.

In serious and often returning cases the nosodes can be used and combined with other drugs and substances. The whole tool-set of the homeopathic technique can be used: prepared poisons, stimulants, metabolic substances, organ preparations, as well as substances for accompanying therapy. Here we have plants, minerals, chemical substances, and also remedies from the animal kingdom. In the traditional Chinese medicine it is well known that it is possible to use all types of animal-parts and extracts for human medical goals. Until now it has not been mentioned, that all types of therapeutic agents can be used at the same time or one after the other such as Physiotherapy, Dietetics, Balneology, etc. When these will be distributed on known conditions by experts, it is possible to achieve the ideal consequence, which has nothing to do with polypragmatism, which otherwise is most common – especially when "one" doesn't know exactly what to do in the lack of goal directed experience.

German original by Hartwig Schuldt © 1979.


In a vessel full of fluids, there will remain a residue when the majority of the contents are poured out. This residue will remain when the major part of the actual substance is no longer there.

This notion I have chosen to make clear, that there will always be a remainder of those substances that have once affected the body or any living biological unit. These procedures are shown to be so very important for many biological phenomena, that it was absolutely necessary with a new word to fill the gap in notions.

I'll give you an example, that will make the situation clear: when a bacterial infection attacks a weak body, which doesn't have the sufficient reserves to combat such attacks, then the usual mode of therapy would be an application of antibiotics as "helping drugs". The antibiotic is in a position of forcing back the acute phenomena of an infection, when it is able to damage the germs. In addition to possible localized inflammations, the accompanying manifestations of the infection, such as headache, shivering, fever, etc., may also disappear. The body in this manner is set in a position towards achieving control over its own dynamic function, i.e. the possibility of achieving a normalization of functioning. In the most favorable case there won't be any notable after-effects of this preceding disturbance. Very often however, and it is the aim of this article to point at this, there can be seen after-effects in the body from antibiotic usage. Even the newest antibiotic types are not able to overcome these after-effects. For this reason I'll use the notion of Bodensatz (residues) which are the result of a reaction-chain, to avoid larger disturbances. In this relation it is worth thinking of the major infectious diseases that hit earlier generations namely tuberculosis and syphilis. But also other, less conspicuous harmful factors have to be considered in this respect, which will be shown next. Even though, through antibiotic measures, the acute infection dissipates and the whole picture of bodily enhanced combat finally disappears, the above example gives rise to the notion of Bodensatz, whose injurious effects may maintain a burden on the body for many years, and finally, result in a worsening of the patient's condition. The process of aging will be accelerated, as in a weakening of the biological elasticity. The initial harmful germs don't stand in the forefront any more in this case, while these have been stopped with respect to their proliferation through the intake of antibiotics, however, it is to a much larger extent their metabolites or their strongly weakened following generations. The real poisons of the infection are found among the lasting toxins.

Through this inquiry we may further consider the use of vaccines, whose damaging effects may be seen again and again, but for which there has not been any full explanation. That means, and it follows from the preceding, as to whether the destruction of germs in the body is a consequence of the administering of antibiotics or follows from chemical influences outside the body; in both cases the body got rid of a burden which it could not get rid of on its own in all cases. I'll turn your attention towards the instance of syphilis whose late effects, even after the administration of antibiotics, may by shown in symptoms of polyneuropathy. As for the case of tuberculosis on urogenital disfunctions, gall bladder disfunction, pleuritic troubles, eye trouble, etc. When these disturbances come into existence there are normally no pathological germs to be found in the body fluids, and further, there will not show up any illness-specific laboratory reactions. The condition is then named "idiopathic", to underline the lack of understanding of the cause of the illness. Along with this goes the instance of "craurosis vulvae", a phenomenon which is difficult to treat, as a result of genital tuberculosis residues. Only one burden in addition to many can naturally play a part in a lot of these related disfunctions. These could then in an aggravating way become active. For example, a viral infection such as herpes can appear in association with a tuberculosis burden. Decisive by all these examples is the reaction threshold of the body. With the injection of a vaccine we practically achieve the introduction of a Bodensatz. The following of a heavy illness after exposure to the same germ should thus be avoided. At least it is customary to achieve a weak counter-reaction of the body which, however, is unable to maintain an equilibrium as further Bodensatz are capable of playing a major role in the body's reaction processes. A tetanus injection can maintain a lasting neural disturbance. The bodily defenses and a counter-reaction to the vaccine are not triggered. The body much more often unites with the intruding foreign agent, but not without forthcoming changes. Residue derangements have besides their "idiopathic" manifestations a tendency towards remote effects, as for instance headaches in certain places, joint difficulties, limb-pains, allergic reactions towards other materials, that were not the cause of the allergy itself, as for instance dog hairs with medicine abuse. The residue can, when it remains, cause serious cellular degenerations.

On behalf of this knowledge, it is in no way indifferent, how and with what dosage the residue is superimposed. Besides the pointed-out damages we have today so many detrimental substances and poisons used in the environment, for example the plague of automobile- and aircraft-exhausts in the form of air pollution.

These substances also join with Bodensatz. That the bodily functions will adapt to these situations is an utter lie. The Darwinist has apparently not foreseen and not suspected this development, what harm they would create through their doctrines to encourage technical recklessness. When the quantitative residues become too much, then reactions will break through, that in size reach the realm of antibiotics, but are so unspecific, that you cannot become their master without heavy means. In this fashion the cortisone remedy is used, if the causal treatment is not known and the "cure" can not lead to a liberating remission. By these means a dangerous smoldering process is initiated.

People at our latitude with residue-burdens are to be known, by that the normal rose-colour of the skin does not show up and that they have a tendency to look pale, in particular this may be noticed among field workers, as a sign of missing exchange with their environment. They lack initiative or are reaction-weak.

However, biochemical values are within the normal range. In comparison, we have to remember the worm-infections in the intestines, which cause a typical paleness of the skin, many times also after allopathic medical treatment.

Often you will meet these people in over-civilized regions, as for example in Scandinavia, the U.S.A., etc., where a change to a positivistic belief misses the progress of elementary needs and the limits of the biological reaction possibilities goes unnoticed and where things are confused with a substitute performance. Here the hard core is almost always an abuse of the biology in the way of Bodensatz.

The real problem is the difficulty with the lack of understanding the body's defense mechanisms, the burden becomes in a way hidden or subliminal and gives way to a "smoldering situation".

By what means can we overcome these hazards? When the harsh backbone of orthodox methods or antibiotic usage is in vain, it's clear that such harsh methods do not lead towards the goal. Consequently, only an accurate fine-stimulation can be useful, one that only exceeds by a small fraction the disturbance of the residues and thereby triggers the body's own defense mechanisms. Closer observance reveals that it doesn't even have to be a higher effect than that which is created by the Bodensatz itself, but rather a very small change. The self-defense must further again be reminded of the existing damage. Attempts have often been made to release these memory effects through psychic forces, for example, autogenous training, meditation, and body relaxation exercises. These exercises need a very high state of practice and more-over a mastering of fine adjustments of otherwise unconscious regions and processes. Experience shows that some "better states" through these means, can be achieved, a total remission which the patient hopes for as the result of his efforts, however cannot be obtained in full.

One further direction uses dietetic changes, nutrition and the processing of it. Hereby comes an above mentioned view-point to awareness. As a rule the intake of food-substances today means an increase in the amount of body-burdens. With residue effects our body-awareness needs to be continuously alarmed of a high degree of absorbtion of the bodily attention in reactive residues. First by the release of the body's attention on these "stress-factors" is the body then able to pursue a lasting path in the way of liberation. This follows, in a major part, the principle of relaxation. In "Schonung" (relaxation) the liberation is made possible.

Other methods, for instance the effects achieved through psychotherapy are quite unspecific in enabling the body to "grasp" the cause of the disturbance.

Recently through the development of the so-called "German Energetic Medicine" (GEM) there has grown a possibility to go towards the residues. Here is used electrical currents in the finest nuances and sizes in addition to body frequencies. These achievements that are based an classic acupuncture doctrines, gives an extremely adjusted and thoroughly fine-tuned unharmful treatment. Through goal-directed stimulation, fit for the reaction-processing, time relations can be co-ordinated in a very effective therapy, whereby the body is set in a really helpful position. Besides the fine-tuning, the differentiated treatments described before are made possible against the residues (also other possibilities) whereby the body can be liberated from the Bodensatz, also a kind of added fine-stimulation against an existing toxic burden. The memory effect will be turned on in a mobilization against the harmful substances. This has only secondarily something to do with nerve mechanisms. The main process takes place in the cellular networks. One more further-going method is worth underlining in this connection, and new knowledge gives these methods vast possibilities in the treatment of residues: the role here is filled by homeopathy. The methods of homeopathy work very efficient through the principle of similarities, by the way of fine adjustments. Further, homeopathy works to a major extent on the energetic field relations based on binding forces below the threshold of chemical reactions of the body. They give the body, meaning the tissues, extra room under the biologic low-level threshold. The tissues register the effect of these medicines very well. Residues as a lasting burden are thereby able to be overcome. All the mentioned methods and techniques are possible to use in combinations, whereby year-long sufferings and previously unknown burdens can be counteracted, for example a remaining disturbance on the basis of a typhoid burden, diabetes, etc., the list is endless.

German original by Hartwig Schuldt © 1979.


electro-acupunctural measuring
pathological-anatomic pictures of conditions organ
100 and more very vehement inflammation D 30
(several ampoules)
98 — 90 total "itis" (total acute inflammation of an organ at
an initial state) still without drop of indicator otherwise in the case of a serous inflammation
D 30 — D 15
(sometimes D 20)
88 — 82 partial "itis" (circumscribed i.e. focally shaped inflammation, insular rest of an inflammation) always with drop of indicator, except in
the case of a partial serous inflammation
D 12 — D 10
80 — 65 area of the upper irritative values D 10 — D 8
65 — 52 area of the lower irritative values still within the physiological area if there is no drop of indicator D 8 — D 6
50 normal function of organ
(ideal value)
no potency
48 — 42 beginning "osis" for example hepatosis, nephrosis, myco-cardosis, thrombosis, sclerosis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, arthrosis, stenosis D 6 — D 5
40 — 32 advanced osis-disease with drop of indicator D 4 (one or several ampoules) or D 3 (one ampoule)
30 — 22 very distinct degeneration with drop of indicator D 3 (one or several ampoules) or D 2 (one ampoule
20 — 12 final stage of degeneration, e.g. atrophy, malacia, ankylosis, blastosis, carcinomatosis D2 ( several ampoules)

Joachim Thomsen - 1986.


Stannum met., Tetanus Nos. and isopathic sulfanilamide are considered.

botulinum toxin (cosmetic applications)

Spigelia and Stannum met. are considered.


MERS-CoV/SARS-CoV/SARS-CoV-2 should be grouped with DENV, FMDV, MV, MuV, rotavirus, RuV, and TBEV, as facultative neuropathogenic viral infectious agents of the CNS.

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Kalium bichromicum on the points for the lungs, Sulfur (a polychrest) on the points for the lymphatic system, lungs, and hypophysis, Silicea on the points for the epiphysis and thymus, potentised quinhydrone on the points for the liver, Oleander and Vincetoxicum on the points for the heart and circulation, the latter preparation also on the points for the kidneys, Hyoscyamus* on the points for the vegetative nervous system, Corpora quadrigemina (psyche), CNS, and the meninges, Stigmata maydis on the points for the pancreas, Sabina on the points for the female reproductive system, and Sabal serrulatum on the points for the male reproductive system.

DENV, EBV, HHV-1, HHV-2, HHV-6, influenza (and all Grippe viruses), rotavirus, TBEV, and VZV, can affect the CNS and meninges.

For a neuro-toxic burden test Spigelia and Zincum metallicum on the nervous system points.

It is noted that herpes simplex† and chlamydia can attack the endothelium; both can also have ophthalmological implications.

* In my practice I have found a positive test for this constitutional remedy may be indicative of silicon displacement.

† HHV-1, HHV-2, HHV-6, PV, RV, and VZV, are grouped among the neurotropic viruses.

(für Herpes simplex und die Chlamydien ist erwiesen, daß sie das Endothel attackieren und zur Arteriosklerose beitragen; die Hypercholesterinämie ist mehr ein sekundärer Effekt!)

dementia with Lewy bodies

The preparations Molybdenum metallicum and Platinum metallicum are considered.


The preparations Borum and Nepeta cataria are considered.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Calcium fluoratum on the parathyroid points and Spigelia on the peripheral nervous system points.

If the test shows positive for the Varizellen nosode additionally test for the preparation Rhus toxicodendron.

Natrium choleinicum may also be tested.

FXIII deficiency (Laki-Lorand factor)

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Barium carbonicum and Pulsatilla, on the points for the hypophysis, and Pulsatilla on the points for the pancreas.

Kawasaki disease

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Apocynum on the points for the heart and circulatory system, Calcium fluoratum on the points for the thymus, China on the points for the pancreas, Kalium carbonicum on the points for the supra-renal glands, Poliomyelitis Nos. and Terebinthina on the points for the kidneys, Sepia on the points for the liver (portal vein congestion), and Selenium metallicum on the points for the skin.

Laron syndrome

The preparation Stellaria media is considered.


A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Ptelea trifoliata on the the gall bladder points, Imperatoria ostruthium on the spleen points, and Juglans on the lymphatic system points.

Staphisagria may also be tested.


A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Apis mellifica and Kalium jodatum on the points for the meninges, and Magnesium chloratum on the points for the biliary ducts and liver.

morbus Dupuytren

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Scrophularia nodosa and Urtica; adhesive capsulitis may accompany this pathology.

The summation measurement point (SMP) for the musculature is Bladder 36, and the partial SMP for the musculature of the upper extremities is Small Intestine 9.

multiple sclerosis

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Plumbum phosphoricum on the liver points and Zincum valarianicum on the central nervous system points.

If the test shows positive for the components of dental amalgam attention should be given in that direction. I generally utilise a metal alloy with eighty-eight percent gold, six percent platinum, and six percent palladium, with a Harvard luting cement, which comes in normal and quick-hardening formulæ.

It is noted that Zincum valarianicum is indicated when the client reacting to the zinc component of the dental amalgam also exhibits restless leg syndrome.

necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Cichorium intybus on the points for the pancreas, and Staphisagria on the points for the skin.


A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Magnesium carbonate on the points for the lymphatic system, Zincum picrinicum on the Central Nerve System points, Imperatoria ostruthium and Silicea on the points for the pancreas, Mercurius solubilis on the points for the male reproductive organs, and Agnus castus and Pulsatilla on the points for the female reproductive organs.

Phosphorus may also be tested on the pancreatic points, and Hydrastis in gynæcological cases.

Attention should be given to pædiatrics where the pancreas was affected and often leads to loss of appetite and failure to thrive.

Medical records should be kept as if the client later develops pre-diabetic symptoms or diabetes mellitus the Parotitis nosode is then tested, typically also the Coxsackie nosode; a virus-contaminated pancreas is more sensitive to solvents (e.g., lacquer thinners, etc.) and vice versa.


A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Cobaltum metallicum and Manganum aceticum.

splenic control measurement point Spleen 1a
red pulp Spleen 3
RES/RHS Spleen 4
splenic peritoneum Spleen 1b
blood Spleen/Pancreas 6, Kidney 8, Liver 5
bone marrow Gall Bladder 39

Page 114 of "Atlas of Spleen Pathology", by Dennis P. O'Malley, Springer,
Heidelberg, 2013, has a photo of splenic tissue with the following caption.

Fig. 6.27 Thalassemia. In this case of severe thalassemia, there is
expansion of red pulp with significant extramedullary hematopoiesis in
the red pulp. The hematopoiesis components are predominantly eryth-
oid elements.


The preparation Sulfur jodatum is considered.

all skin measurement points
all fatty degeneration meridian points

Sepia may also be tested.

Waldenström's macroglobulinemia

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Rhus toxicodendron and Teucrium scorodonia on the points for the lymphatic system, and Cuprum metallicum on the point for the white pulp of the spleen.

If the test shows positive for the glandular fever nosode [Pfeiffersches Druesenfieber Nos.] additionally test for the Epstein-Barr Virus nosode, for Mercurius bijodatus on the points for Waldeyer's tonsillar ring, and Nasturtium aquaticum on the points for the liver and spleen.

Kalium jodatum may also be tested on the heart and circulatory system points, and Scrophularia nodosa on the kidney points.

Wohlwill-Andrade Syndrome

The preparations Palladium met., Pulsatilla, and Rhododendron are considered.

Zika fever

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Dulcamara and Kalium sulfuricum.

A nosode exists for dengue fever, and a similar testing ampoule series could be produced for zika.

I will only briefly address obstetrics here.

A pre-selection of preparations for the electro-acupuncture medicine test might include Stannum metallicum on the thymus points and Hamamelis on the liver points of premenopausal and postnatal clients where pyriproxyfen had been added to water supplies, the latter having gave birth to microcephaly afflicted infants.

I am not addressing here potential organophosphate exposures.

Clients who during pregnancy were administered Tdap injectable preparations having gave birth to microcephaly afflicted infants, might additionally have tested the constitutional preparation Veratrum.

I'm reluctant to attribute viral exposure as an exclusive causative agent resulting in increased frequency of microcephaly.