15 August 2016


It was reported 14 Aug. 2016 that the Popular Mobilisation Forces have been looting property including irrigation equipment from farms in Jurf Al-Sahkar, Babil Governorate, Iraq, and registering properties under different names.

The governorate is known for its fertile agricultural fields and orchards, these being irrigated from the water of the Hillah river.

According to a United Nations report illiteracy in the governorate of those over 10 years of age was 19.6% in 2010. Prior to the occupation in 2003 it was 0% nationwide.

معدلات الأمية في العراق

 الأنبار   التأميم   بابل   بغداد   البصرة   ذي قار   ديالى   دهوك 
 %13.9   %11.9   %19.6   %10   %14.6   %22.8   %6.8   %30.5 
 اربيل   كربلاء   ميسان   لمثنى   النجف   نينوى   السليمانية   واسط 
 %25.8   %17.2   %21.5   %26.8   %20.9   %20.9   %27.8   %25.9 
%24.9 - القادسية

An Iraqi ambassador wrote me in 1999 enquiring about an increase from 1989 to 1997 of an under-five child mortality rate from 30.2/1,000 live births to 97.2/1,000, attributed to the depleted uranium used in the Gulf War, it is observed that in 2010 the average for the Iraq governorates was 41.0/1,000 live births; the individual rates per governorate are listed in the table to the right.

(معدل وفيات الأطفال دون 5 سنوات (لكل 1000 مولود حي

 الأنبار   التأميم   بابل   بغداد   البصرة   ذي قار   ديالى   دهوك 
 30.0   21.0   30.0   35.0   34.0   35.0   39.0   45.0 
 اربيل   كربلاء   ميسان   لمثنى   النجف   نينوى   السليمانية   واسط 
 46.0   53.0   35.0   43.0   42.0   43.0   31.0   45.0 
38.0 - القادسية
Inter-Agency Information and Analysis Unit
Iraqi Governorate Profiles - November 2010

The tables miss an entry for Saladin governorate.