14 May 2016

Sinjar District

سنجار: اغتصاب فتيات ايزديات على يد قوات البيشمركة

بعد اتهام الدولة الإسلامية باغتصاب الفتيات الإزيديات؛
فتاة إيزدية تكشف واقعة مروعة بحق فتيات إيزديات
اغتصبن على يد عصابات البشمركة

5 سبتمبر 2014

Sinjar, yazidier piger blev voldtaget af de peshmergaer-styrker.

Efter beskyldninger om Islamisk stat [IS] for at have voldtaget yazidier piger, en yazidi pige afslører en chokerende hændelse, yazidier piger blev voldtaget af bander af peshmergaer!

5 september 2014

Sinjar, Yazidi girls raped by the Peshmerga forces.

After the accusations of the Islamic state [IS] raping Yazidi girls, a Yazidi girl reveals a shocking incident of Yazidi girls that were raped by gangs of Peshmerga!

5 September 2014

11 May 2016

The Marxist State

I have enquired of the DPRK diplomatic representation whether the WPK would accede to a point of bourgeois law pertaining to international relations.

See: Bashar al-Assad (letter of March of 2016)

But it should not go without notice that of the milieu pursuant to the PRA motion (UN RES 2758) and subsequent anti-revisionist position of that State (1976–78 period), that an examination of the allegation of PRC withdrawl of support for the PAVN correlated with United States positioning on 2758, the formulation of the discredited 'Three Worlds Theory' itself and associated trend towards Social Democracy, and examination of allegations of PRC support to counter-revolutionaries in the DRA, inferring PRC Social Opportunism, that the absence of such examinations, influence my position as follows.

See: Sino-Soviet dispute

My sympathies are that in the interim the area proximal to the coördinates 10°N 114°E be designated a marine reserve. One cannot adequately resolve the matter until the end of the war.

See: Reciprocal Warfare

In July of 2007 a number of PRC retired Foreign Office officials and Army officers publicly criticised the trend towards Social Democracy.

A cautionary note to parents in the Arab states: discourage your children from utilisation of Social Media, it is a promotion based on the Marburg School.

Arjun Appadurai's social imaginary (idealist philosophy)
with associated mediascapes, technoscapes, etc.

A brief analysis of the party platforms of these entities

(حزب العدل والتنمية (تونس
(حزب العدالة والبناء (ليبيا
(حزب العدالة والتنمية (مصر
حزب العدالة والتنمية السوري

indicates they also include components as Marburg School based promotions.

There was a rampant promotion of this polity among the youth,
in the foreign, USAID among others, sponsored endeavours to
oust the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) government.

Caveat: I understand why the PRC disbanded the website 'maoflag.net'
as the maintainers of that site were lacking in theory.



في مستشفى الفلوجة التعليمي

A report from the Fallujah Teaching Hospital (Jan. 2014 - present).

3488 fatalities
  334 women
  533 children

5811 wounded
  881 women
  972 children

مستشفى هاي نزال في الفلوجة

The Hai Nazal Hospital in Fallujah was destroyed by Unitied States
warplanes on 6 November 2004.

لميليشيا بدر والحشد الطائفي

For the second day hastily departing from Abu Grahib have been
observed dozens of military vehicles carrying carrying Badr militia
and Popular Mobilisation members in the direction of Fallujah.

09 May 2016

Mazhar al-Qaisi

By Autumn of 2014 the GMCIR announced the liberation of Anbar
Governorate. This 25 minute (Arabic language) video is from June
that year.

As I mentioned here the coalition is not fighting the Salafists.

لقاء اليوم: مزهر القيسي

لقاء اليوم
25:32 Jun 20, 2014

لقاء اليوم: مزهر القيسي المتحدث الرسمي للمجلس العسكري العام لثوار العراق
تقديم: جلال شهدا تاريخ البث: 20/6/2014

Today's meeting: Mazhar al-Qaisi
Today's meeting
Jun 20. 2014 25:32

Today's Meeting: Mazhar al-Qaisi, official spokesman of the
General Military Council of Iraqi Revolutionaries


The following text appeared in Chicago when loading the webpage.


06 May 2016


Information surfaced from an interview conducted in Syria a few years ago, that Nouri al-Maliki was part of the cell al-Jihad al-Islami which alleged responsibility for the 1983 U.S. Embassy and MNF barracks bombings in Beirut resulting in the deaths and injury of Lebanese civilians, U.S. and French servicemen.

Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993

The sequence of the issuance of these documents - contrary to popularly held misconceptions - indicate that the British, not the Americans, were the planners of the 2003 Iraq invasion.

It has been inferred of the 10 April 1992 Baltic Exchange incident investigation that semtex was used. The similar, or a variant of semtex, being inferred as used in the Lockerbie incident 4 years previous, according to RARDE's Alan Feraday and Dr. Thomas Hayes.

Thereby the documents, when placed side by side with Prime Minister Tony Blair's citations endeavouring to justify a war, expose a glaring discrepency between MI6 estimates and MP reasoning.

One cannot after a State terrorist incident legislate protection of shareholder profit margin, and conversely across the pond, authorise a war, and then protect the markets.

On the American side, Public Law 107–297 implies a protracted conflict, which was not in Administrative statements reflected in their "selling" of the conflict to the U.S. populace.

The theme of a protracted conflict - perhaps a ruse on the seizure of Iraqi State assets - is however evident already in U.S. Executive Orders 13290, 13303, and 13315, respectively, of 20 March, 22 May, and 28 August 2003.

Who does one think is being fought in Iraq, through the criminal aerial bombardments and disbursements from the Exchequer, one is fighting a Socialist State prosecuting a guerilla war.

One is not fighting the Salafists.

Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993

Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (Pubic Law 107–297)

Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Pubic Law 109-144, 110-160, 114-1)

Other OECD countries apparently have been following the Anglo-American design.

Terrorism Risk Insurance in OECD Countries
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1 January 2005.

Since 1993, the OECD has published a series on Policy Issues in Insurance. This series addresses major concerns of economic, political and social actors in the insurance sector, and covers a wide scope of regulatory and supervisory issues, such as: investment regulation, solvency assessment, management of insolvency, insurance contract law, mandatory insurance, reinsurance, taxation of insurance products, accountability, convergence in the financial services industry, policy holder protection, environmental risks, and emerging systemic risks.

05 May 2016

Abbas Khalaf Kunfud

I remember watching an interview of Dr. Abbas Khalaf Kunfud, Iraqi ambassador to Moscow, on Vremya television, just before the Anglo-American invasion in 2003.

He referred to America as a fascistoid State.

Dr. Kunfud passed away in Sept. 2013.

We never met, but as he graduated from the Russian department at Baghdad University in 1977, and, as I have a copy of one of Sergei Aksakov's books in the sidebar, I suppose we shared an interest in Russian literature.